
Connected Learning Solutions Provided by Extramarks for the Students of K to 12

Online learning was once reserved for distance education but has now become a growing trend among K-12 students nationwide. Millions of students across the country are taking part in online learning, and many students in grades K-12 are getting a high-quality education online through a full-time online faculty that provides them with personalized guidance. The students across different grades want to learn and study at their own pace, some might have special needs and others may not be interested in traditional teaching methods but in more practical career-based learning. Others might be in difficult situations and are struggling for a variety of reasons. Besides, quite a few parents and investors honestly believe that the prevailing education model is outdated and broken as well.
Online learning at the K-12 level has grown from an experiment to a movement. To improve the educational outcomes, many students and parents in the country are turning to online learning. Multiple online platforms now offer some form of online learning for K-12 students. In India, alone online learning is already reaching millions of students. 
K-12 online learning platforms are trying to offer a personalized, high-quality education with guidance from certified teachers to help students reach their full potential. These online platforms adhere to the same board testing, student accountability, and curriculum courses as traditional brick-and-mortar schools. Students may benefit from more personalized guidance, and score higher marks in their exams. 
Platforms like Extramarks provide online learning material to students across all boards and classes. Their online learning material is prepared by their expert faculty and offers students the convenience of studying in their own homes. The flexibility that online learning offers cannot be stated enough. Since the study material is online it can be accessed by the students at any time they need it. The online study material is broken down into digestible bites for students to get a better understanding of the concepts instead of just mugging up. For the younger students, there are also learning games that help them learn while playing so they are engaged. 
Extramarks also has certain features that make it unique. Features like an AI study bot called Alex that offers guidance and solves doubts of the students while keeping a track of their performance. Other features like Achieve where personalized guidance is offered to students by a dedicated academic guru to each student. 
With features like these, it makes it obvious why online learning is growing at such a pace. 
