
Student: D S

Student: D S
DB 1


What is to be an American?


We can start by saying that the America we know today was not built by one  particular ethnicity. American is a word that defines our ethnicity, but it cannot define who is a real American. We need to start at the beginning of our history to understand how this great nation that we are all proud to be part of came to be. The first colonies that settle in our lands came from England, of course the native Indians were already here by the time the English arrive, and although they were in search of everything this land had to offer, there were others who came to colonized different areas of the land, with different reasons like religion, agriculture, and so on. This era of development did not come without difficulties, there is no change that comes without sacrifice and great loses. Because there were people who stud up for was right, even when those beliefs would be considered wrong in our world today, it was our ability to evolve that has always being the reason why we are here today. So, the real American cannot be defined, because our nation has been shaped by all types of ethnicities. Our country has gone through so many changes, some good, some others made us forget how we came to be. Racism took a big piece of the roots of this country, we should be more open to cultural differences, because were we stand today was the results of multicultural migrations that decided to set roots here and set the foundations of our great nation.