
Recap of my First Nomad Summit | Q Academy | The Fit Gypsy


This past weekend I attended my first conference as a Digital Nomad. I went to the Nomad Summit, located in Chiang Mai, Thailand. All I can say is that I am sure pumped and motivated now! It is amazing what we can get from being outside our comfort zones and networking with other likeminded individuals. I have made new life-long friends, started some masterminds, and received a ton of information!

I will recap and share a bit of what I took from the summit, as I feel knowledge is wasted if you do not share it!


If you fail, keep on truckin’.

If only I got a dollar for every time I heard about numerous fails before success this weekend! I listened to so many stories, and they all seemed to have a similar important lesson to learn; if you fall ten times-get back up eleven! There were quite a few successful people speaking, and it seems that they all failed quite a few times. Some of them more than others, but they all seemed to get back up and keep trying. Many people seemed to have also quit their jobs, some that they liked, others they didn’t, all because the nomad lifestyle appealed to them more. A lot of people also seemed to have switched from one Digital Nomad career to another, because they found something else that suited them better. Biggest takeaway- don’t quit your determination to achieve your desired lifestyle. Change your route if needed and keep on truckin’!


Every business is people’s business

Whatever you do, stand out! Do not follow a crowd and repeat the same story. What are your passions and skills? Use those, because that is authentically you. Successful business people don’t necessarily have the highest IQ, but they utilize more of IQ that they do have. Choose a field in which you have experience, and ADD VALUE! Add tons of value, and specifically explain the value that you are creating.

When creating a business, think of how you can make life easier for someone. Spend heaps of time with a salesperson, and learn to love the process of selling. On that note, make sure you are professional and deliver on time! Be bold and sell with confidence. Have faith in what you are selling, because if you do not believe in it- how is anyone else supposed to?


The importance of Social Media

Social media is like your absolute hero for business success. The only thing is, you have to learn how to do it right!

  • Pinterest– Incredible for SEO!! Take a course on how to utilize Pinterest efficiently, you will thank yourself later!
  • Youtube– Huge for lead generation, and incredible for building email lists. There are literally a billion users watching over a billion hours on content a day! It humanizes your business/brand and makes you appear more personable.
  • Instagram– Engage with other users! Do not make too broad of a niche, it will confuse the algorithm. If you need to, create two accounts!

 Business Mindset

When creating a personal brand, people do not just buy into your idea-they buy into you as a person!

“Be everything to someone, instead of trying to be something to everyone”

Give with the intention to give, not to get something back. Get 110% obsessed with what you are doing, as your business will sustain the velocity in which it was when you launched it.

Invest in yourself, take courses, read books, go to conferences (such as Nomad Summit). The more skills and knowledge you acquire, the more value you can add to your brand. If you do not have a certain skill, and you do not want to learn it-outsource it! Go on Fiverr.com, or guru.com to post that job and save your energy and time.

Biggest takeaway of all- stop looking for excuses not to do something, and start looking for reasons TO do it!


Hope these tips help you as much as they helped me! If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email: julie@thefitgypsy.ca


With health, wellness and happiness,


The Fit Gypsy

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