The students of Grades 5 and 6 at Ekya BTM attended a presentation and a book reading with the incredibly talented author and an equally wonderful teacher and environmentalist, Leela Gour Broome, of her new book, “Earthquake Boy”. Ms. Leela engaged the children with her grasping storytelling of a boy who suffers from amnesia in the Bhuj earthquake and escapes to Mumbai after overhearing plans of sending him to the orphanage. The story continues with the struggles and adventures of the Earthquake Boy. Ms. Broome encouraged the children to guess the plot points and the end of the story. The students were more than happy to shoot their ideas about the plot of the story throughout.
At the end of the presentation and a short description of a real earthquake, Ms. Broome showed the children pictures of places mentioned in the book. The students stuck to her words during the book reading of a particular chapter from the Earthquake Boy. It was an interesting learning experience for the students who surely took back a lot from this session as was evident from their numerous questions to the author and their sheer excitement during the session.