
CakePHP Application Development For Enterprises - iSyncEvolution

From mainframe apps to cloud-based apps, enterprise applications have come a long way. The journey is underpinned by increasing complexity in both functionality and data through an effective combination of standardization and application outsourcing.

To reach IT effectiveness- and meet growing business needs, enterprises need to make greater use of intelligence, automation, better use of industry and company knowledge across the lifecycle, and analytics in application service delivery. The main goal is to better perform and innovate to adapt to change to meet IT and business needs, as well as continuously support the automation of repetitive tasks to reduce costs and improve speed and quality.

A typical enterprise technology solution requires appropriate measures for disaster recovery, ensuring the privacy of customers, relevant stakeholders, as well as a real-time reporting facility and monitoring tools.

Enterprise business applications need to combine multiple security features such as SSL certificates, IP restrictions, automated database backup with complex business logic, and seamless third-party software integration for high performance.

Rise of CakePHP Application Development for Enterprises

Originally designed for web development, CakePHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (or simply PHP) is a general-purpose programming language. CakePHP is a functional and robust language with increasing importance in the enterprise world. Since the arrival of PHP 5.0 in 2004, enterprises have been experimenting with PHP application development that is powering huge platforms such as Facebook, Vimeo, and WordPress. It effectively addresses the growing needs of the business as it provides an architecture that supports robust solutions. It is important to partner with a leading CakePHP development company to take advantage of all the benefits:

  • Development Speed and Time to Market
  • Ability to scale according to business needs
  • Support
  • Cost-effective



Here are some advantages of CakePHP for Business Enterprises:

Diverse Community, Expertise, and Time to Market - CakePHP Application Development is an open-source and cross-platform language with one of the largest and most dynamic support communities. This large ecosystem of PHP developers makes it easy to hire top developers with extensive knowledge of other common web technologies.

With the rise of full-stack web developers primarily using the 4 and 5 major programming languages: the most common being SQL, JavaScript and PHP, both backend and frontend architectures with a single developer as well as production setups There is a lot of difference with environment and server configuration on AWS or other hosting providers. This level of flexibility means a quick time to market, especially when operating on tight time frames.


Scalability and Performance in CakePHP Application Development - One of the biggest myths surrounding CakePHP application development is questioning its scalability. This makes the use of CakePHP unsuitable for enterprise applications and highly questionable for use by the enterprise. However, this view is highly questionable. The main issues affecting web application development are network traffic or database connections. PHP provides support for tools such as APC and Redis that cache parts of code or database objects, as well as store them directly in the server's memory. From there they are loaded immediately on the next call with practically zero latency.

CakePHP supports major CMS like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. It is worth mentioning that WordPress powers about 30 percent of sites and is still going strong. Leveraging ready-to-use platforms provide tools for branding, marketing strategy, or eCommerce. There are many plugins or extensions to enhance the core functionality of the platform.

CakePHP application development supports major and mature frameworks with architectural concepts such as dependency injection (DI), caching, inversion of control (IoC), and others.

The following aspects of CakePHP Web Application Development Services result in faster development speed and lower cost for the entire project:

  • A strong ecosystem of CakePHP developers provides strong support for most additional web technologies that may be required for a complete build;
  • Pre-built modules for direct integration
  • processing workflow

Bugs found by PHP engineers can be resolved quickly. Considering the huge support of PHP developers, the chances of a security bug going unnoticed are almost impossible.


Conclusion - CakePHP application development—for an enterprise or for a startup—can be successful. A strong ecosystem of developers, diversity, proper architecture and a powerful framework all add to the rise of CakePHP application development for enterprises.

While enterprises should examine how they can benefit from CakePHP application development, the final decision on the selection of CakePHP architecture and technology should be based on business needs and goals.