
Safety Tips to Follow in Handling of Specialty Gas

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Green Light Safety @glsafety · Oct 12, 2021

When it comes to the calibration gas, it is essential to understand and follow the right safety and health standards.


Specialty gases can be pure, or a mixture of gases, serve as essential components in chemicals, semiconductors, food, environmental, medical, and several other industries. The gases can be high purity, ultra-purity, and research-grade.


However, calibration gases can be hazardous, if not handled properly. You should know the hazards and safety precautions associated with specialty gases.


A flammable gas can burn in the presence of an oxidizer and an ignition source. To burn, the gas mixture with the oxidizer should be within the flammable limits range, between the upper flammability limit and lower flammability limit.


Some gases may explode if released in the presence of an ignition source like static electricity. The explosionmay be caused by the sudden rise in pressure, for example, if let out into the atmosphere, they may ignite because their auto-ignition temperature is less than 130 degrees.


Specialty gases can be corrosive and can cause chemical burns and damage to vital tissues. Some gases can be hazardous if they come in contact with a person’s eyes and mouth. Corrosive gases may also mix with the moisture in the air and corrode metal containers and fittings.

High Pressure

Calibration gases stored under high pressure may cause severe injury or damage if released accidentally due to equipment failure or human error.

Safety Tips

Calibration gases should be handled extremely carefully since they can cause physical, environmental, chemical and health hazards.


It is important to know the weight of the specialty gas, especially if it is flammable. In addition, personal protective equipment such as safety glasses, fireproof clothing, gloves, and safety shoes must be worn at all times while handling calibration gases. Special gas cylinders should not be stored in extreme temperature conditions, near corrosive materials, or ignition sources.


If you are looking for calibration gas suppliers or gas detection equipment in Houston, TX, talk to Green Light Safety at 832-262-9931 right away. With over 15 years of experience in this industry, Green Light Safety specializes in rentals, sales, and service of Gas Detection equipment as well as calibration of the equipment.