
Istanbul Turkish language school in Karaj

Istanbul Turkish language school in Karaj is one of the rarest schools you are looking for. But we at Language of Nations have provided you with the best in Turkish language education. If you want to learn the Turkish language , just follow us.

It should be noted that the Language of Nations conducts test tests such as IELTS, KET, ESTERNI and a special test for the Turkish language, the TOMER test, for all its students after language training .

Teaching the Turkish language in Istanbul

In the language of nations, the Turkish language is taught using Istanbul and Hit It books. The Language of Nations, the آموزشگاه زبان ترکی استانبولی در کرج , offers the best educational services to those who are interested by holding group and private classes for teaching the Turkish language and holding trial tests.

One of the most widely used sources, or in other words, the most famous sources of Turkish language education, is the book ( Istanbul ).

Istanbul method books by publications. Written by Istanbul University . and has been published.

This educational collection of Turkish language has been published in five educational versions. All five levels are as follows:

Hit it book is used to teach Turkish language in the best Turkish language school in Istanbul . In this method, by focusing on the rules of the Turkish language, it will make you master the conversation in the shortest time. In addition, this book is for participating in the Tomer international exam.

Turkish language test

With more than 30 years of experience in teaching all the living languages ​​of the world, Language of Nations is proud to conduct a test after each course to ensure the students’ complete learning. The Tomer test is also held on a trial basis in the language of nations.

This trial test is one of the biggest advantages of the Language of Nations School. It is the small and practical differences that have made the language of nations the best Turkish language school in Karaj.