
Ritalin best for ADHD and ADD - Genericambienonline.com

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and ADD refers to Attention Deficit Disorder. It is becoming a common disorder among children above five years old. 


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Your child has ADD or ADHD; if he/she lacks in consuming information, he/she cannot maintain a focus and if/she forgets quickly. We all know there are so many distortions out there, such as smartphones, TV, videogames and more. Apart from external factors, various inborn factors cause ADHD in a child. These factors include heredity, genes, or any accident during pregnancy or high fever after delivery. 


The percentage of ADHD prevailing is increasing day by day, and currently, it is estimated at 6.1 million children ages 2 to 17 have ADHD in the USA. The study was conducted in 2016 and claimed that boys have more diagnosed with ADHD than girls.

The disorder occurs due to malfunctions of neurodevelopment in a child’s brain; therefore, the doctor gives treatment to act in the central nervous system. To do that, doctors provide medication along with non-medication therapies. 


What is Ritalin?


Ritalin medication is used to treat the symptoms of ADHD and ADD. It is a brand name of the medicine called Methylphenidate, and it belongs to the drug class of stimulants. Stimulants are the substances that release from the brain to perform a particular activity. In this case, Stimulants of focus and attention substances release with the help of medicine. 



What are the side effects of Ritalin?

Ritalin comes up with a few side-effects ranging from mild to severe. The side-effects appear with a set of symptoms which are measurable and observable such as:


  • Heart problems including chest pain, heaviness, and breathing problems, 
  • Behavioural changes like mood swings, aggression, irritation, and more.
  • This medicine can also affect the height growth in children
  • Loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea and stomach pain are common side-effects.


Does Ritalin give you energy?

Ritalin consists of the Stimulus component (Methylphenidate) responsible for Alertness, Wakefulness and enhances the ability to focus. Therefore, the medicine makes you energetic to complete daily takes with focus. 



What is the dosage available for Ritalin pills?

Ritalin comes in two variants 10mg and 20mg dosage. Both are recommended to the ADHD patients according to the requirement. Also, the doctors only suggest the treatment for a short period of time to prevent any side-effects.



How Long Does Ritalin last?


Ritalin is an active agent of the brain stimulus. Apart from children, many adults appearing competitive exams are habitual of the medicine and have seen good results. The treatment can stay up 4-5 hours, but many children have seen the medicine working up to 12 hours. Overconsumption of medicine can cause insomnia; therefore, you should not take medicine while going to sleep.


Warnings while taking the medicine:

  • Do not give Ritalin to children below the age of 6 years
  • If your child have any heart problem or allergies then avoid this medicine
  • Also, take your doctor's advice before making a purchase
  • Last but not the least, overdose will cause a few more health problems
  • Therefore, do not use the medicine