
Which fireplace accessories are necessary?

If you're shopping for fireplace accessories, it's easy to get overwhelmed because you have so many different options.  fireplace accessories  You may have trouble figuring out which tools you need. What kind of tools are necessary?



To best care for your firewood, you need a good fireplace poker that hooks, rakes, and pushes burning firewood. We recommend looking for a poker with an insulated handle to prevent you from getting burned while using this tool



Made of iron or metal, you can use the shovel as a poker when the fire is out. You will need a fireplace shovel to safely remove ashes from the firebox and then shovel those ashes into metal buckets. Make sure the bucket has a lid, it plays a very important role in preventing accidental fires from causing smoldering ashes.



Your poker can help you move burning wood safely, but what if you need to pick up one? This is where fireplace tongs come in handy. The pliers allow you to move and pick up firewood without any risk of being burned.




The origin and classification of fireplaces    

Where is the best place to install a fireplace?  

Fireplace Accessories Buyer's Guide