
4 Health & Fitness TV Shows to Watch on Dish TV Connection

With the ongoing pandemic, people have become more conscious and mindful of their health. You are inspired to eat healthier and modify your lifestyle for a better quality of life.


You will never regret taking care of your health. These TV shows will inspire you to eat healthier and stay fit. Eat whole foods diet with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, fish, fermented foods, grass-fed butter, and grass-fed meat. You can also take certain nutritional supplements but do consult with a physician before taking them.


Watch TV shows in high-definition with DishNXT HD set-top box. Upgrade to a DishNXT HD set-top box at Rs.999/-. Enjoy watching TV shows with 5X better picture quality and 5.1 surround sound. For the latest Dish TV plans, you can visit the Dish TV website. Here are the TV shows on health and wellness to watch with your loved ones: 


What the Health

Enjoy this health documentary and learn about the beneficial effects of plant-based foods. It is ok to eat meat that is sourced from healthy animals raised on local farms. When you buy commercially raised meat, it may be exposed to unhealthy environments and injected with hormones. GMO grain-fed cattle or poultry meat can be harmful to your health. Do not eat processed meat like bacon, sausages, and salami. Eat grass-fed meat along with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and fermented food. You can buy high-quality meat from a local pasture-raised farmer. Enjoy these TV shows on health and fitness and various Dish TV plans


Forks Over Knives 

You can include fresh fruits and veggies in your diet to improve your overall health. Along with meat, you can enjoy a bowl of salad with it. Enjoy seasonal vegetables in salads, soups, stews, etc. Serve a portion of grilled veggies with fish or meat. Eat seasonal fruits and berries in smoothies, breakfast bowls, and cold-pressed juices. Fresh fruits and vegetable juice are high in anti-oxidants. You can lift the fork to eat veggies instead of knives. Check out the various Dish TV plans and watch the shows you want to watch. 



Enjoy cooking at home while watching this entertaining documentary. You will learn to cook delicious recipes as you follow along with host Micheal Pollen. Cook authentic dishes that are traditionally cooked with freshly hand-ground spices. You will learn to cook recipes that are handed down over generations in the Cooked series. 


The Truth About Alcohol 

Alcoholism is a modern-day plague that has destroyed many lives. It is easy how a few drinks can turn into an addiction. You will learn a lot from this show to help a loved one with alcohol addiction. Alcohol can cause diseases like fatty liver disease, addiction, stomach issues, etc. Regular consumption of alcohol will deplete your body with its vital nutrients and increase inflammation.


Enjoy these TV shows and improve your health and lifestyle. For more details on the channel list, visit the Dish TV website.