
On-page and off-page SEO, whats the difference?

There are two main categories of SEO: on-page and off-page.
Think of it as two branches of Y. Each is unique and both are critical to running a successful SEO campaign.
What is on-page search engine optimization (SEO)?
On-page SEO deals with both the content of the website pages and the backend structure of the site.
The goal of on-page optimization is to improve individual website pages to get higher rankings in search engines, to get qualified and targeted organic traffic to your website.
Improve Your On-Site SEO Optimization gives you control over the factors that affect your ranking. Below is a list of the most serious SEO factors:


1. Title tag


The title tag shows visitors and search engines what a given page is and sets relevance. Title tags are one of the most important components of the page for SEO. Here are some great practices you can follow to increase the functionality of your title tag.


2. Meta description


A meta description is a short paragraph of text that tells search engines and website visitors what the page is about.
Meta descriptions used to be an essential element for search engines, however today Google algorithms (AI) can determine the content and meaning of a page. As a result, its importance is somewhat reduced.
Google will create a meta description if something is lost.
Consequently, getting the attention of search engines and getting them to click on your link still depends on the meta description and creating highly relevant meta descriptions yourself.
The meta description is typical for each page, includes focus keywords, consists of 135-160 characters, and is written in an actionable voice.


3. Keywords and phrases


Keywords These pages are one of the main characteristics of SEO.
Like other signals, keywords help search engines identify what a given page is about. Today, however, Google's algorithms can determine what a page is without specifying keywords. If you rank your web on a specific keyword then you will rent is as Rank and Rent Website
Finding and creating a list of keywords to target is the most critical first step in any SEO campaign, it is an ongoing and ever-changing process.
One of the most difficult aspects of SEO is developing an initial list of keywords; It can be hard work, read more about good practices.
Search for.


4.Search Engine Optimized URL (SEF)


Below are two examples of search engine URLs, which ones do you think are user friendly and searchable?

If you say second, then you are right. Google loves easy-to-use elements. Most CMS can generate SEF URLs. Take care to make sure your URL is optimized.


5. Subtitle tags (H1, H2, H3)

Every website should focus on user experience and header tags are no exception.
The H1 (title) tag is one of the first items a site visitor sees when they land on a page. Headlines assure visitors that they are in the right place and that they have found what they are looking for unless you study the eating tips. Click on the bait when the title is used to draw a picture of the reader. However, there is not much reference to the article. Click the click of the decoy unit and nothing else.
With the Google Hummingbird update, Google has done a great job answering specific questions from users.
Optimizing H1 tags for specific search purposes and search queries gives you the opportunity to fragment the featured page at the top of the search results page.


Learn here more about Best Off-Page SEO Optimization