
Top 10 Power Electronics Based Projects In Chennai


Power electronics is the engineering study of changing electrical power from one form to another. It is the process of controlling the current flow and voltage. A system that converts electrical energy to an electric load via a control circuit is called a Power Electronic System. This field has its importance since it is dealing with a lot of electric equipment that we use in our day-to-day life also. Because of the significance of this topic, many engineering students show an interest towards Power Electronics Based Projects these days.

Why Power Electronics Based Projects are Important?

Power electronics is the technology that functions as an interface between the source of electricity and the electrical load. There is a very high demand for power electronics engineer. It is because of their capability of doing different circuit analysis. Such as Stress analysis and Sensitive analysis. A power electronics engineer needs to study about different advanced power semiconductor devices, their characteristics, structures, and applications. Also, this technology make sure that power is taken from the source to the load in the most effective and powerful way.

It is very difficult to list all the application of power electronics today. It spreads across almost all the areas where electrical energy is using. Therefore this has become a trend setter now. Its usage is increasing, especially with the present scenario of new devices. The easiness in manufacturing also helps in the availability of Power electronic devices.

Choosing the right project topic is always important

Pantech eLearning is an Online Learning Service provider in Chennai. We are offering some of the best Online Power Electronics based Projects.

Given below is the list of Top 10 Power Electronics based Projects we are providing:

  1. Hybrid Structure of Static Var Compensator and Hybrid ACtive Power Filter
  2. Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor using AC Chopper
  3. Sliding Mode Control Design for Quadratic Boost Converter
  4. Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction In BlDC Motor using Modified Sepic Converter
  5. Interleaved Boost Converter With Voltage Multiplier for Pv Module using Grid Connected Load
  6. Novel Interleaved Non Isolated DC to DC Converter With ZVS Performance
  7. Grid InterACtive Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Driven Solar Water Pumping System
  8. Single Stage Transformerless Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications
  9. Reconfigurable Bidirectional Wireless Power Transceiver for Battery Charging
  10. Three-Level LLC Resonant Converter Design for EV Battery Charger

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