
5 Critical Handgun Safety Guidelines - TexasCarryCourse.com

If you choose to own or carry a handgun, it’s imperative that you learn how to do so safely. Always remember it’s your responsibility to keep your gun away from children and adults who don’t have your permission to use the firearm. 



1. Never Store a Loaded Weapon Unsecured
2. Assume Every Weapon Is Loaded
3. Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger
4. Know Your Weapon
5. Don’t Modify Your Weapon


If you own a handgun, it’s essential to know how to clean it properly to ensure its safety and effective performance. Texas Carry Course is dedicated to providing the finest firearms training available. Whether you simply need to learn how to handle your gun and shoot it safely or you want to take a Texas license to carry online course, TexasCarryCourse.com has what you need.