
Foot Doctor | Foot & Ankle Group

At Foot & Ankle Group, our specialty-trained foot specialists are recognized experts in providing evaluation and treatment for a variety of foot injuries and conditions.


Even minor foot pain can point to a potentially major injury, and what's more, it can be debilitating. Pain in the foot, ankle, heel, or toes can make it challenging to get around or even just to stand. The good news is that treatment and relief are available. When you meet with an orthopaedic foot doctor who specializes in foot care, you can learn more about both the surgical and nonsurgical treatment options that are available.


When Should You See a Foot Doctor?


It's important to meet with a foot specialist sooner rather than later, addressing your problem before it becomes more severe.


Some signs that it's time to visit an orthopaedic specialist include:


  • Pain in your foot, ankle, or toe impedes everyday activities
  • You are unable to walk or stand without pain
  • You have an open wound
  • You have severe pain or swelling in your foot or ankle
  • You have signs of infection, which include redness, swelling, and warmth

What Treatments Are Available for Foot Pain?


When you visit with your foot doctor, you'll get a chance to discuss a wide range of solutions, some surgical and some not. The first thing will be a physical evaluation, which will allow the doctor to identify the underlying cause of your foot injury or deformity. 


In some cases, surgery may not be necessary. Physical therapy can sometimes remedy the problem, as can exercise programs, hot and cold therapy, and medication.


For more serious disorders and injuries, ankle & foot surgery may be required. While this is a significant step to take, it can provide lasting relief from your foot problems. The best way to determine whether this is the right approach is to make an appointment to see a foot surgeon today.