
Why are blood gas analyzers considered indispensable medical equipment?

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sensacore @sensacore · May 26, 2022

Blood gas analyzers are widely used medical equipment with many sophisticated features. They are available in a wide range of sizes and models to cater to various applications. It is used to carry out tests of blood gases, metabolites and electrolytes using various technologies. These are tests that help detect and treat respiratory diseases and other abnormalities due to varied pH levels. That is why blood gas analyzers are considered as an indispensable medical equipment. Features such as accuracy, reliability and flexibility in performance also enhance the value of this medical diagnostic equipment.

Blood Gas Analyzer - Application & Features

Blood Gas Analyzers are a user-friendly medical diagnostic equipment with excellent functionalities. Some of the common applications of this device are - Measuring the concentration of hemoglobin, lactate and electrolytes in the blood, evaluation of acid base levels, determining the amount of oxygen in serum, plasma and blood, measuring pCO2, pH, ionized sodium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, calcium, glucose and pO2. They are available in different models and specs. Some features of blood gas analyzers worth mentioning are:-

  •  Aesthetic design with HD touch screen
  •  Provides fast and Accurate Results
  •  Adequate warranty and minimal maintenance
  •  Easy availability of reagents and consumables
  •  Single touch calibration
  •  Facility to store and retrieve previous results by date, patient name, id & parameters
  •  Extremely low cost per test
  •  Self probe wiping
  •  1 lakh storage capacity
  •  Optional Battery Backup & Much More

Best Blood Gas Analyzer for an Affordable Arterial Blood Gas Test

An Arterial Blood Gas Test is a comprehensive blood test which is also known as an ABG test that measures the level of oxygen, carbon dioxide and acidity specifically in the blood from an artery. During this test, the following can be checked and measured.


  • The pressure of oxygen dissolved in the blood and how smooth the oxygen can travel from the airspace of the lungs into the blood.
  • The pressure of carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood and how well it can move out of the body.
  • The acidity or amount of hydrogen ions in the blood.
  • The amount of bicarbonate in the blood.
  • The amount of oxygen in the blood.
  • The amount of hemoglobin in the red blood cells carrying oxygen.

These tests are usually done to check for patients with severe breathing problems and lung diseases like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), to check if patients are getting the right amount of oxygen, check if treatment for lung diseases is effective, as well as measure the acid-base level in the blood of patients with heart or kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes or severe infections.


The accuracy of results are related to the strength of the analytical technology, and pre,post- analytical errors. The quality of results depends on how the test is performed. Testing should always be carried out by appropriately trained personnel who maintain regulatory compliance. 


The clinical performance and features of an instrument determine its suitability, safety and effectiveness. Instruments must have high levels of accuracy and precision comparable with reference methods. Other important features are ease of use, minimal maintenance, and troubleshooting. 


This is where sensacore comes with its innovative product line of blood gas analyzers for an affordable arterial blood gas test. Sensa core has been developing futuristic in vitro diagnostic devices for more than 16 years, serving clients across the globe. We manufacture powerful medical equipment that adapts to any healthcare setting that is designed using state-of-the-art technology.



Arterial Blood Gas Analysis is one of the most commonly performed tests before a surgery, especially in patients who have or are suspected to have breathing issues or lung disease. Hence it is considered as an indispensable medical equipment