
What makes a post ready for a boost on Social Media?

You are running an important campaign on Facebook, and you can’t depend on getting engagement or reaching your campaign goals the organic way. What else can you do? The answer is simple. You can pay to have your posts show up on followers’ and non-followers’ timelines as sponsored content. This will surely ensure that more eyes see your post, click on the CTA, and hopefully help you make a sale.

You can do this with an awesome that will help you gain more exposure on social media
But first, how do you know if your post is ready for a boost?

Here are some simple steps to make your post boost-worthy.

  • Ensure you have a clear CTA that catches the audiences’ eye immediately
  • Your content should have real people doing real things
  • Make sure that your post is not text-heavy, i.e., has an equal balance of text and imagery. Remember, less is always more.
  • The image you add to your post should evoke an emotion. People always engage with posts that make them feel something
  • Always promote posts that are already doing well.


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