
R. Roy Blake Objective Evil Interview Satanic Cults/Military Intelligence (YT transcript)

R. Roy Blake Objective Evil Interview Satanic Cults/Military Intelligence

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1,790 views Apr 30, 2021

Edited interview from ParaNet Continuum radio show #94 (January 28, 1996) hosted by Michael Corbin and featuring an interview with R. Roy Blake, author of Objective Evil: Satanic Cults in U.S. Intelligence.


Objective Evil is on David McGowan's reading list. Here's what he had to say, "No known copies available worldwide, the last print copy having disappeared from a university law library after an interlibrary loan request in November 2016."



okay. My guest is author of a newly released book and one that is sure to draw some attention. It's titled "Objective Evil: Satanism in the U.S Intelligence Community."



He is an investigative reporter who has written for various publications in the Denver area and around the United States. This book is the culmination of several years of work, and presents some pretty startling implications for the direction that this country is heading in if this is true.



believe it or not there is a ufo angle to this whole whole thing which we're going to discuss tonight



he is R roy blake and i want to welcome roy to the program. Good evening.



thank you



Roy let's start off by , let's let's..I want to ask you real quick what why the title of the book, "Objective Evil" ?



Well objective evil is because the main character that made this book possible is a fellow named Colonel Michael Aquino.



He's a director of the defense intelligence agency and also the army psychological operations division. He's also a former high priest of the church of satan and has formed his own temple of set which is which is a break off of the of the church of satan



anyway he is he's written several books on mind war, Clearly into into ..



he's been on the oprah winfrey show .. there He, he'd been more or less a secret until there were some child molestation allegations against him in the san francisco bay area.



one of his teachings is that there is no such thing as objective evil. That , that there's an elite of people that knows that evil is only a subjective thing, that only the masses of us stupid people believe that there's such a thing as objective evil.



and the full title - Objective Evil: Satanic Cults in U.S Intelligence - is because he he proves the existence of it just by himself. And my further investigation showed that he's hardly an aberration.



There is this sort of thing going on throughout the intelligence community: not just in in the experimentation with the paranormal.


in in the day-to-day things having to do with covert ops



It's it's it's an absolutely mind-boggling subject the whole thing.


as i mentioned earlier he's a he's a are as i mentioned to you, he's also a member of the national space institute, which makes some of the some of thethings that he tells to his followers in in a restricted variety third degree satanist and higher very curious indeed.



now i guess most of the time now -for myself example - you know i i don't care what a person practices personally. But what really kind of disturbs me about this research that you've done is that you know, when you think of satanism and that type of thing you think of rock and roll music you know the kind of classic stuff that people associate with it.



you don't associate someone who's a colonel in the army. you know somebody that might be involved in something like this



what you know what how does this how does this all come down? i mean obviously this is true - how does all this balance?




well my personal opinion is that aquino might well have been a product of generational satanism. That's something that's been underground in this country since the 1950s. There's a group here in colorado talks about it called Justus Unlimited. and there's a group that called the false memory syndrome foundation which has attempted to discredit these people's memories a lot of them are recovered memories because the trauma was so complete.



it it actually is fairly extensive. It has roots. the roots the the intelligence satanic connection goes back at least to the civil war and Albert Pike who's one of the great founders of Masonism in this country has a statue in Washington DC and is also one of the co-founders of ku klux klan.



the ku klux klan he he gave that an occult tradition. It isn't really christian. The burning cross is very much a satanic symbol. It seems obvious on the surface that it is. But then you have a some of the less knowledgeable klansmen claiming that they're Christians.



And the thing goes back to an occultist named Eliphas Levy, from from the from the middle part of the 19th century of whom Pike was a follower.



Then there's a then there's a fellow by the name of aleister crowley who aquino calls the first beast of the apocalypse. He gave himself that name: The Beast 666.



He was involved with british intelligence and french intelligence. Both in world war one possibly world war two. Hitler supposedly was quite a follower of a lot of the things he said supposedly.



There's also a quite a history of occultism going back to the ss and it's talked about very extensively with heinrich himmler for instance who had the magic castle at Wewelsberg.



Okay. Let's hold it there hold your thought there. We got to take a break.

1-800-836-2009. 1-800-836-2009. My guest is roy blake. Author of objective evil satanic cults in the u.s intelligence community



give us a call toll-free number. i hear from you tonight.
I'm michael corbin and you're listening to the Paranet Continuum.




We'll be right back



1-800-836-2009. 1-800-836-2009 my guest is roy blake.



We're talking about his book objective evil satanic cults in the u.s intelligence community.



And as you know, we've had several people on the program over the last few months talking about some of this stuff. Last december we had jon rappaport who was talking about the U.S government mind control experimentation on children.



this stuff keeps cropping up roy and i mean it's just all over the place out there. And we see this come across the paranet network and the internet and different places like that.



Grom your research what are the links that you have found between satanic cults and the us intelligence communities?



Grom the Justus Unlimited one of the largest groups of people that were abused - besides what they call satanic ritual abuse - was a new form of abuse which i had not heard of. But i guess they said something like a third or a quarter of the people who had been abused and remembered their abuse called it a "Militaristic Abuse." In which they were a lot of them on military bases a lot of them subjected the MK ultra sorts of experimentation.



MK ultra - for anyone who isn't familiar with the subject - was the CIA's bizarre experiments. That was the experiments for instance; the biological warfare experiments to create bacteriums and viruses, genetically engineered.



Also mind control was in that. and also the LSD experiments. All those things. In fact they they sometimes ran into one another.



One of the biological warfare engineers jumped out of a hotel room in New York City, supposedly on LSD. That was Olsen, yeah.



Now the MK ultra stuff. Now we know that that exists because essentially the Church Committee in 70... what was it? '74?

Yeah. They basically exposed this type of thing had been going on since the 50s. Allegedly though, this stuff has stopped.



Right. Gerald Ford signed an executiveorder, ordering the CIA to stop the mind control experimentation.
However, there were partners. The army psychological division and the defense intelligence agency were all partners with the CIA and were not covered by this executive order.



And in fact through my Freedom of Information Act request, I found out that there's a good deal of documents existence since 1977 that i got a few of from the defense intelligence agency indicating that in fact their interest in this is ongoing.



Okay. Now their interest in mind control..






Okay. Now the documents you've gotten that have been released that indicate this kind of stuff is still going on.






what types of things are they messing around with, the defense intelligence agency when it comes to mind control. I know there's been allegations about psychotronic research which we've talked about a lot.



What other kinds of things are going on?

You mentioned earlier - and i want to go back to that in your answer - but you mentioned something about you know a lot of people talking about being taken to military bases.



how many of these people are in other words is there any proof that verifies that they were taken to military bases? Or are these basically stories?



well most of it happens as you say, to small children. And small children aren't used as witnesses very well in most courts of law.

And it's or else people that are not in a position to say, and then say such things. And this is done, you know, for a good reason: that they don't make credible witnesses




I will point out we got a we've got a copy of Aquino's paper here "From PSYOP to Mind War: The Psychology of Victory" which he co-wrote with the colonel Paul Vallely.



Now, let me renege you real quick. This document you've got. This is an official document written under his banner..



Well, he was major at the time rather than a lieutenant.



But this was an official document that was circulated in the military.



right. Uh-huh. And... Anyway.. It makes the point that Psyops should be should be used on the entire population of a country to help win a. that we were




First it starts out with a thing like the Germans said "we were stabbed in the back," saying that we lost in Vietnam because we were out-PsyOpped.



The PsyOps.. First of all Aquino was a psychological operations person in Vietnam. He was highly decorated because he invented a program which caused 13, 000 or so i believe nva and VC to surrender without a fight.
So he was highly decorated and part of the reason the army's put up with him as long as they have covered for him. But they make the point that the army already possesses - i'm quoting from the paper - the army already possesses an operational weapon system designed what LTC Alexander would like ESP to do, except that this weapon systems uses existing communications media.



it seeks to map the minds of neutral and enemy individuals and then then to change them in accordance with U.S national interests. it does this on a wide scale embracing military units regions nations and blocs. In its present form it is called "Psychological Operations."



now he's claiming in that paper that there's already a weapon in place. When was this paper written?



The exact date on this paper, i'm really not sure of. I believe it was the the early 80s, early 1980s.



okay now do we know what that weapon is?



Well there are there are several possibilities for this weapon which are discussed in the back.

The first possibility is taking advantage of phenomenon such as atmospheric electrical electromagnetic activity, air ionization and the third possibility - which i think is the best possibility - extremely low frequency waves or ELF waves



So we could be talking about microwave radiation? That type of thing.

Okay. Hold that thought. We'll come back and we'll get into a little bit more of that psychotronics and mind control and all this other stuff. It's quite a quite a deep subject.



My guest is roy blake we're talking about his book Objective Evil: Satanic Cults in the U.S Intelligence Community.
Stay tuned and you'll be able to hear at the end of the program how you can get a copy of this book.

I'm Michael Corbin and you're listening to the ParaNet Continuum.




1-800-836-2009. 1-800-836-2009. My guest is Roy Blake. We're talking about Objective Evil, Satanism in the U.S intelligence community. And quite a deep subject.



Roy, how did you get involved in this? How did you get interested in this subject? I'm curious.



Well i've been an investigative reporter; either for newspapers or as a freelance investigative reporter since 1978.

This particular story was the result of some pieces that i was doing for a little paper in town here called



Metropolitan Accent, which was attempting to go up against westward for a while. And they wanted some some good investigative pieces.



The first piece i gave him which which was about how Gary Hart was set up in the in the '88 campaign.That's a long story so i don't want to go into that.



The second piece had to do with iran contra and some of the local figures that were involved in iran contra. including a fellow named Heinrich Rupp which out of Aurora, who was in the Luftwaffe was recruited by the CIA.



Flew for air america. And alleges in federal court that he was the pilot for William Casey and October Surprise - Meetings in Paris.



The third one was the result of a local thing that happened. A little satanic cult at a little high school in Aurora, where a student ended up dead. The police ruled at the time and that it was an accidental shooting.



In investigating that, a lot of students came forward and started talking to me about the cult, about things having to do with the cult, where the cult met. The code of silence had really been broken by the students being upset about the what was really a murder of this other student.



and one of the most curious things they told me was how the cult wasn't really just high school students that were in the heavy metal - it was run by adults. And not only adults but adults that were would be considered pillars of the community.


Let me ask you this. now bring this around to the UFO thing. I mean, we hear a lot of stuff out there, okay. Abduction phenomena for example, where people are allegedly taken from their beds.



There is one theory that runs throughout the UFO field or the research community that says that... a matter of fact Walter Bowart, who's been on the program a couple of times talking about mind control. This kind of thing overlaps. We hear this come up in this kind of stuff: that there's a possibility..



There's a paper that's circulating out there called "The Controllers" a guy named Martin Cannon wrote in California, that basically says that alien abductions might be nothing more than some type of psychological warfare. Mind control manipulation including implants and that type of thing.



What do you say to that?



Well there is an overlap. You know the french author, Vallee?



Jacque Vallee. Yes okay.



he's long been of the opinion that there and has fairly good proof that there's there's an overlap - certainly with the french intelligence.

Not just Vallee, but Aquino as well, is an interesting.. He sits on the National Space Institute..



To his followers that are third degree satanists and higher, he talks about in a book, in a article for one of his publications called "The

Cloning of Nikki Sixx."Nikki Six was a musician with Motley Crue.

The original Nikki Sixx - certainly one of the most satanic of the whole group - got in some serious trouble in Florida. And they got him put under house arrest.



And basically got a clone or somebody else that they said was Nikki Sixx to play his part in a band.
Well anyway he wrote to the Temple of Set which was Aquino's group claiming and saying you know, that he wanted to join the Temple of Set and was was a satanist and all that. And Aquino talks about how that through the kind efforts of, I believe an alien named Pantechnikon from the Andromeda galaxy..



An alien?



Well, yeah. Named Pantechnicon from the Andromeda galaxy.
They were able to give him help obtaining lawyers and this sort of thing.



Aquino's most secret book, which is the hardest to obtain. Even though I've had four or five defectors from the Temple of Set give me materials i was never able to take this



It's called The Dark Side. It's an opposite of star wars sort of thing. And it interestingly enough, takes place in the Andromeda galaxy.



Aquino, as high up as an official as he is, in the in the Defense Intelligence Agency - absolutely top secret clearance - reports only to the joint chiefs of staff..



..Tells his followers, although not the public, that indeed he does believe there was a Philadelphia Experiment.



A Philadelphia Experiment. Does he believe that?



yes. In fact he even refers to some stuff which shows that time reversal can be shown in an ordinary chemistry lab on the subatomic level.



Let me ask you a question. We're going to talk about the Philadelphia Experiment briefly because i know you mentioned that in your book.

It's under the Auspices of the montauk project which is Moon and Nichols. Preston Nichols.. I can't remember, is it Peter Moon?



Peter Moon, yeah. But I have a question. I guess maybe you've probably been asked this before.
What proof do we have that mr Aquino's or Colonel Aquino's satanism background is intermeshing with his job? In other words, what do we have that we say that the satanism part flows into the professional part of his work?



Well. He made that point when he wrote a letter to my editor when i did the original article for exit which mentioned him. And he said that he saw nothing sinister with the fact that he was both a satanist and also head of the army psychological operations department.



To which i answered in my book that I thoughtthat was an incredible lack of an imagination for a fellow with a with a reported iq of 155. Or else an extremely different perspective.

And as I mentioned from Objective evil, I think that the latter answer is true. He has an extremely different perspective.



I think it's kind of interesting that you know, I admit that it's interesting that he would hold such a high position militaristically or politically if you will. And at the same time have this type of a background. Because I know a lot of people, just in my research talking to scientists about the subject of UFOs.



Fr example i have a source in NASA. The guy is very afraid that if he is even associated with UFO research, that he might be ostracized by his peers in the scientific community. And i kind of wonder why that doesn't happen to Aquino.



Well Aquino is also a big believer in vampires. The second highest order in the Temple of Set is the vamp, Order of the Vampire. His wife is a grand master vampire. One of the other members of the Defense Intelligence Agency that's a member of the Temple of Set, Dennis Mann is a vampire, as well as a lawyer. Which gave us the only comedy relief we had in the book.



But this isn't... there is a lot of proof that the satanism comes through. The Army Handbook for Chaplains reportedly was changed because of Aquino's introduction into it of materials on the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set.

And also very positive description of satanism generally, in which satanism to the chaplains is described as a pro-life religion.



Well see. But the thing is: I myself would not practice satanism. But again i'm saying that i don't see how that should be grounds. You know what i'm saying?

They're entitled to their religious beliefs, if that's a religion.



but you know, I'm interested to find out how this interlaps or overlaps into you know, this research that he does.

Not research, but the work job that he does.
You say we've got proof: what kind of proof do we have that you know, that this satanic thing is going on in the intelligence community?



I mean, you can say mind control experimentation which i think is heinous. I mean it's just like is it's as bad as talking about feeding you know children, milk that's you know, laced with plutonium or whatever. But how does the how do these lap? I mean how do these connect? Link together?
Is there an agenda? Is there an agenda by these people?



If there is an agenda what is the agenda? What are they trying to accomplish?



well it's interesting guys aquino's also a big believer in Revelations.



Bible? The biblical revolutions?



Biblical Revelations. He signs his name to his followers - along with the priest of Marduk and high priest of Mendes and a few other things - he signs it to the profane, which is our non-satanist, The Second Beast of Revelations. He considers himself the second beast of revelations.



In fact, I had to go back to Revelations and read it to realize that in fact there was a second beast.
Now the first beast is the one that's brought back to life by the second beast and he refers to Crowley of course as the first beast.



So yeah. He has that agenda. There's some evidence that the whole agenda or belief in what's to come of the Temple of Set, is that there will be a big catastrophe which will destroy most of the people on the earth. And there will be an elite who survived. And that elite is the satanist.




I want you to hold that thought. I want to come back to that because that's interesting you said that.

We've heard someone talking about catastrophe - i guess it was Dr lewis last week talking about catastrophe theory and stuff like

this. I want to focus on that.
I also want to talk about the montauk project a little bit about that which you have in your book because that's an interesting linkage.



I'm Michael Corbin. My guest in studio is Roy Blake author of Objective Evil satanic cults in the U.S intelligence community. An interesting book. This is an interesting subject - very complex.



1-800-836-2009.1-800-836-2009. I'm Michael Corbin and you're listening to the ParaNet Continuum. We'll be right back.




and welcome back. My guest roy blake author of objective evil satanic cults and u.s intelligence.
When we went to break, we were talking about the the idea that there's a catastrophe coming.

Can you expound on that a little bit? Talk about that what does that mean?



Well, it's not defined, at least to the outside world.
But one of the ways that the such a catastrophe could occur - other than of course polluting ourselves to death - might be a genetically engineered virus.


First let's say satanists only have the vaccine for. And there is some evidence that there's a there's a link between the new biological warfare research that's been occurring out at the dugway proving ground and in Washington DC



The rumors that there's a super flu do out of China.. there's you know the people that allege that AIDS was an early experiment.



In fact, there is proof there that came out in the Church hearings, that the Belgian Congo - at the time was Belgian Congo - was used as a testing ground for some army viruses during the MK Ultra. And one of the original targets was a guy who did end up being killed. One of the Congolese leaders.



So that's one means. There are some others. There's this this HAARP. I don't know if you've heard about this HAARP?



Yeah. That's the high energy... high energy... how does it work? What is that? It's an atmospheric research project going up in Alaska.

We've been hearing a lot about it lately.



Yeah and it's it's really well connected with ELF waves.
There's a number of things that could happen. What their real plans are. How if they plan to bring it about or they just believe it's going to be brought about?



That's not known.
But the thing is that they believe that the network of themselves; the satanists, the elite, will be the only ones with the knowledge and the and the power to survive it.



Sounds like christians too.



Yeah there's a weird dichotomy. There's a strange dichotomy that the two groups seem to have a a symbiotic relationship.

A lot of people that leave satanism turned to born again christianity. And in fact there's even televangelists who are supposedly secret satanists as well so..



Wow. I know that there's been a lot of discussion for example, talk about him a lot too on the programs, Graeme Hancock's book "Fingerprints of the Gods." Graeme's whole theory is is that we're heading towards some kind of a global cataclysm.
Now not necessarily a virus or a super virus or anything but more of a geological catastrophe.
I'm kind of concerned you know.. I'm not sure what you ascribe it to. I mean, there seems to be a lot of that. I turn on the television today and you see a lot of discussion about end times.



and you know, the thing is is that when you start talking about some of this stuff it makes you wonder how much of this is actually trumped up. Not necessarily trumped up but there seems to be a big fear factor here.



Yeah i think that the geological end of it is exaggerated. I don't see... there there are ways that you know, you can cause faults to slip. As we know here in Colorado, if you pump certain things here down into faults that you can cause faults to slip.
But i think that on its own, the tectonic plates don't move quickly enough to cause all these great earth changes that a lot of these so-called profits foresee.


What's the story on the Montauk Project?



Okay. The story on the montauk project - or at least the Montauk books. Now I can't really swear to the authenticity of montauk project. And there isn't really any proof that's presented in the Montauk books.



Basically it has to do with the Philadelphia Experiment. Although apparently as important to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard was the Montauk base. Up on Long Island.


Anyway, the authors of the montauk book is an interesting thing. One of the authors is a fellow named Peter Moon who's apparently very high up in the Church of Scientology. And again that that makes me weary to begin with.



But there was a lot of good information in the book and some information which i was able to use: particularly about the Babylon Working which was conducted by followers of Aleister Crowley.



Now the Babylon Working was apparently fictionally represented in the movie rosemary's baby which also has a cult.. Anton LaVey of the church of satan was a technical adviser to Rosemary's Baby. Rosemary's baby was called the biggest, yeah was was called the biggest advertisement for satanism ever conducted .



It was a scary movie.



It was it was a scary movie that the Babylon Working..

L. Ron Hubbard apparently was one of the people that was involved in the Babylon Working, a person very close to Moon. As was Jack Parsons: founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab. Possibly Robert Heinlein: another science fiction writer.



It was to create an antichrist.
One of the reasons that Aquino claims his pedigree as Antichrist is that he was born nine months - exactly nine months - after the babylon working.


Which was, and Alistair Crowley, who these people were followers of, in a group called the O.T.O which is the ordo templi orientis. Which was believed the Knights Templars after they were mostly destroyed in France following the crusades.



They became a secret society and some say a very satanic secret society.



Crowley's main organization was the O.T.O although he was also involved with groups such as the golden dawn. Many of the great authors - George Bernard Shaw of the great English authors - was involved in the Golden Dawn.




There's a history of the elites being involved in you know, in occultism and satanism. Going way back, it was their their the druidism. And the witchcraft was called the old religion and was the real religion supposedly of the english monarchs.



Okay. About a minute now. We've got to wrap up this segment but in about a minute.

Where is your research going? what's after this book?



Well I've got so much so much new information that there's obviously going to be a a sequel to the book. It's going in so many different directions that it's hard to pin it down. So it won't be out for a while.



All i can say is i think that this book would be a good primer. And i find it was a terribly tough thing for me to imagine: that all these things can exist in going through it.



and it's going to be even tougher the new information thati'm coming up with



okay okay okay okay