
Top Most Popular CBSE Syllabus Schools in Coimbatore!

Many CBSE syllabus schools in Coimbatore claim to offer the best educational support. Here are some of the most popular names that have made their mark:


SSVM School of Excellence


Even though they are one of the newest additions to the schools managed by SSVM Group of Institutions, SSVM School of Excellence has already established a national reputation thanks to their commitment to quality education. Aside from their rigorous academic programmes, the school is also known for their extra-curricular activities that further build 21st century skills. The SSVM School of Excellence address each student need by providing them a wide range of opportunities through their co-curricular programmes. These include 3D animation, aero modelling, First in Math, journalism, language lab robotics, and web designing.


PSG Public School


This CBSE syllabus school in Coimbatore is famous for its repertoire of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The school help students realise their fullest potentials by nurturing their gifts in a nurturing and non-threatening environment. Through holistic education, they aim to meet not only the academic but also emotional, social, and ethical needs of students. Their ultimate goal is to transform them into worthy citizens of a global village!


The Camford International School


Established a decade ago, this international school has become one of the top CBSE-affiliated senior secondary institutions in the city. It is known for delivering world-class education to both local and foreign students. Camford International School is passionate about raising responsible and motivated students by providing them with dynamic and success-oriented educational programmes.


Kendriya Vidyalaya


Situated in the heart of the city is Kendriya Vidyalaya. This picturesque CBSE syllabus school in Coimbatore has a sprawling campus of 10.5 acres. They have state-of-the art facilities, spacious classrooms, and large playground. True to CBSE's objectives, the school provides activity-oriented education, focusing on experiential and creative learning.