With the COVID pandemic situation, now everyone is discussing new normal. It is being said that everything will change. Real estate developers and financial institutions becoming more flexible to attract prospective buyers. For the first time buyers, there is a maximum advantage.
Union government has announced many schemes for first-time buyers. Housing for all, various tax benefits and subsidies, and so on. Leading institutes are also not left behind. They are creating unique schemes like special interest rates, assisting in property identification, up to 90% loan and availing PMAY subsidy, etc. With all this support there is an opportunity to seal your dream home at handsome discounts/paybacks.
And now the following news is “Sone Pe Suhaga”!
Easy to buy home with stamp duty Cut
We have witnessed that after the lockdown began, every sector including real estate suffered a big blow. Sales plummeted and new construction was hampered badly due to hoards of workers doing the migration. Builders were requesting the government to take some measures considering the situation and nowhere is the good news: for reality sector and home buyers like you.
In bid to boost realty, Maharashtra cuts stamp duty for 7 months
In a major decision to revive the stagnant property market, the state cabinet on Wednesday decided to reduce stamp duty on flats for seven months, starting September. The duty will be lowered from the existing 5% to 2 % starting September 1 till December 31st and will be pegged at 3% from January till March 31st, 2021.
Demand for specious homes like Aishwaryam Comfort Gold
As the situation is changing people have started looking for spacious homes. With working from home becoming a culture for companies, you are setting up office at home. It becomes tricky when both husband and wife are working from home in the same working hours. Obviously, this demands two separate quiet corners. To add to the complexity, schools are also online, and managing all this in a small space becomes a daily nightmare.
Many like you, who already own homes have started feeling to upgrade their home to more spacious rooms and if possible an additional room to cater to these new things.
Cut in stamp duty is a huge saving for your dream home
The reduction in stamp duty is for a short period of time but can give substantial savings. A flat costing 1 Crore used to attract stamp duty of 5 lakh. Now it will be 2 Lakhs till December, a huge saving of 3 Lakhs.
With such a handful saving, you may be a first time buyer, investor, or want to upgrade your home, this the best time to seal the deal.
A premium property like Aishwaryam Comfort Gold can be the right choice: Right in the heart of PCMC with flush of state of the art amenities for those who want everything one notch above the rest.
Visit us to believe this is the right choice for you.
And this is not all, look at our payback offer too!