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BoozeHouse @BoozeHouse · Sep 27, 2022

How To Store Your Beer Like A Pro!


Nothing lasts forever. This applies to all things, including vacations, delicious meals, and beer. Beer connoisseurs know the damage that beer’s aroma-producing oils can undergo when exposed to light, time, temperature, and air. If you can’t drink all of your beer, how do you store beer, so it tastes fresh the next time you want one?


Although passionate beer lovers have had many opinions on the best ways to keep ales fresh, most beer storage options are simple. Once you have mastered the basics, you’ll be able to store beer in a way that keeps it fresh and ready for your next relaxing session.


These are the top tips for beer storage. These tips will help you keep your beer fresh and crisp for many weeks, months, years, or even longer.


1. Be aware of what you’re drinking: Not all beer ages the same.

No reliable reference book provides accurate timelines and charts for when the beer will reach its “not fresh” age. You can, however, use some common rules of thumb for beer storage to determine if you need to be concerned about the beer’s freshness or whether it is safe to store and enjoy the beer later. These are the three most important rules to remember:


Rule 1: Verify the Alcohol by Volume (ABV).

If the beer has a higher alcohol content than 8%, you don’t need to rush to drink it. Higher alcohol levels make the beer last longer because the alcohol acts as a preservative.


Rule 2: Make sure you know the brewing style

Beers that have been sour, smoked or aged, such as high-alcohol beers and IPAs, will keep their freshness for longer. Your beer will spoil faster if it is an IPA, American pale ales, strong ales or other hop-centric beer. Beers with high alcohol content (e.g. 8% or more) will spoil faster than normal beer. It would help if you consumed them quickly after they are purchased. This is because hop aromas add a unique flavour to the beer but fade quickly.


Rule 3: Examine for Pasteurization

It is important to note that craft breweries in America don’t pasteurize their beers. This means that their shelf life is shorter than mass-produced Lagers. Pasteurized beer will keep it fresher for longer than regular beer, so you won’t need to consume it soon after it arrives at your home.


2.No Storage It is best to consume it within 3 months of bottling.

Unpasteurized beer should be sipped before the beer’s bottle expires three months later. If you need to know the brew date, you can find the bottling date and packaging date on bottles, cans, and racks. According to research, beer stored in these conditions can cause approximately equal flavour loss.


* Three days in a truck of a vehicle (90 degrees F)

* 30 days at roomtemperature (71°F)

* 300 Days in the fridge (38deg F).


This data suggests that you can drink pasteurised beer for almost a year before it goes bad. If you don’t have the time or energy to enjoy a delicious beer within 300 days, beer may not be for you!


Do you want a beer in the comfort of your home?


Then Boozehouse is your one-stop shop for your beer cravings.

Boozehouse is the best online alcohol delivery service in Australia. They offer a large selection of wines, spirits, beers, and other beverages.


3. Keep the beer refrigerated for at least three months. Keep the beer in the fridge.

Beer starts to age as soon as it is bottled. The question is, how can you extend its life span? Let it chill out! You can put it in the refrigerator at home even if it isn’t planned to be consumed until a few weeks or months later. Your precious beer will slow the oxidation and flavour degradation processes when it is kept at 38 degrees F. Beer is like milk or bread. When it’s kept below room temperature, the process of spoiling slows down.

Also, ensure that your beer stays at the same temperature throughout its life. It will quickly lose its flavour if you keep it in the fridge and change it from cold to warm. This is known as “skunking” beer.


4. How to store beer without a fridge?

It’s better to store beer in a cool, dark place if you don’t have enough fridge space. Your beer’s vitality and freshness are not at risk from high temperatures. It is important to keep your beer in a dark area away from light, especially if it is in glass bottles. Although a basement might not have the same regulated cold temperature as a refrigerator, it is still safe. You can also store beer long-term under the bed or in a cupboard.


5. Store Beer Upright

When storing beer, ensure it is upright and not on its side. It is a good tip for beer storage because it reduces the beer’s surface area that touches the air in the bottles. Food researchers have explained that beer with less air contact will oxidise quickly.


If you know how to preserve it, you can enjoy a great beer experience whether you are consuming hoppy ales or vintage beers. We hope that now you have your beer storage diploma, you can enjoy your crisp, fresh beverage of choice.Are you looking for your favourite beer? Look no further than Boozehouse, the best online liquor store in Australia! We have a large selection of rare and hard-to-find beers, wines, and spirits that can be delivered right to your door!