
Pooja Ceremony in the 21st Century

Pooja has been integral part of Indian household since centuries. Almost all of the major religions of the world originated in Asia out of which, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated in India. The system and ritual of Poojas are associated with all religions.

Hinduism is a complex system of beliefs binding together different faiths and values. Therefore, pooja is an integral part of the faith. This has continued through generations as a means to appease the gods and is symbolic of our values.

Almost all of us has grown up by seeing pooja being performed in one way or the another. We have grown up watching pandits perform pooja in our homes for new beginnings and auspicious moments. With the advent of technology, it has become all the more easier to perform a pooja without the need of meticulous planning as was once required. Online Puja Booking allows one to select the type of pooja you want to perform, request a pandit and do everything online which is completely hassle-free.

Pooja is basically a ceremonial worship or a ritual wherein offerings are made to deities to earn their blessing. We do Pooja’s for a variety of reasons. It is said that pooja’s performed with devotion and love reap rewards and hence such rituals are common all over the country. However, it is not always possible to be present or be able to take part in a pooja ceremony due to unavoidable circumstances. Since poojas are time-dependant and happens on select times that are considered auspicious, an absence during that time means your puja will not be as successful as you’d have wanted. That is where E-puja comes in.

E-pujas are for those who lead a hectic lifestyle and cannot find the required time or the personnel needed for conducting a pooja. It is also for those people who do know how to conduct or is new to these rituals. This type of online puja rituals eliminates the need to search for priests to conduct poojas or even your presence. The availability of such online portals means you can be rest assured that the puja will be performed in your name while you’re free to pursue your day to day activities. Planning a laghu rudra pooja but you parents can’t be part of it due to distance? Fear not because technology has indeed brought us together. Just send them a video link and they can watch the pooja live from the comfort of their rooms.

Not only that, any type of pooja, no matter the time or the place, everything is possible today with the power of the internet. So for the people far and wide, the ones with impossible work-life balance, the ones who do not know the proceedings, the ones who are unable to be present due to distance, life has got conveniently easier. There is never a wrong time to offer prayers and pooja to God, but let’s make sure when we do it, we do it with everything we’ve got.