
Quantum Computing: A Revolutionary Computer Technology


The concept of quantum computing is touted as the next big technological advancement. It is slowly becoming a reality and advancing its technology each day. When we talk about quantum computing, it sounds like we are talking about something that lies in outer space.


Tech giants like Google and IBM are competing in a race to create the first useful quantum device. Quantum computing technology has crossed the border of conventional computing which is done with computers and laptops.


It is a great breakthrough in the field of science and very useful for the medical field too. It can be used to save the lives of many people. The use of machine learning and quantum computing in the field of healthcare and other sectors will help in diagnosing illnesses quicker and also making more efficient devices and structures.


This technology will help people to implement better financial strategies in order to live life well after retirement. There are many benefits of using classical computing to solve ordinary problems. But there are situations, when some challenges occur and cannot be easily dealt with classical computing.


Problems of certain size and complexity can't be solved with the help of a classical computing system. Currently, we don't have that much computational power on earth. Scientists are trying hard to leverage the quantum mechanical phenomena of superposition and entanglement to make states that can scale exponentially with the number of qubits and quantum bits.


The application of quantum computing is valuable due to its application in more than two states. It helps in finding the relation of interaction between particles at a tiny scale, on which the rule of physics can't be applied normally.


Quantum computing helps to deal with the smallest unit of data qubit. Like a bit, this can also be set to one of two states either 0-1 but it is not that simple as a bit. A qubit can have any proportion of both states which is also known as superposition. In some cases it is described as being in both 0 and 1 simultaneously that's why it is not completely accurate.


It is the basic information of all computing systems based on the fundamental ability to manipulate and store data. The computers in today’s world can be used to manipulate bits and store information in the form of binary 0 and 1 states. The quantum computer offers quantum mechanical phenomena to manipulate information.

Components of a Quantum Computer

The Quantum computer should be kept at a very cold temperature to work with qubits for a long time. If it gets heated it can lead to causing errors in the functioning. That's why these computers are designed to operate at absolute zero temperatures.


Special thermometers are required to measure these extreme temperatures. The following are the components on which this computer is based on.

1. Qubit Signal Amplifier

In this amplifier, one of two amplifying stages is cooled to a temperature of 4 kelvin.

2. Superconducting Coaxial Lines

This component is effective in minimizing the energy loss and helps to direct signals between the first and second amplifying stages; which are made of superconductors.

3. Cryogenic Isolators

The cryogenic isolator is a great component that helps the qubits signal to go forward while preventing it from creating noise and compromising the quality of the qubit.

4. Input Microwave Lines

The main purpose of microwave lines is to protect qubits in the refrigerator from thermal noise during the process of sending control and it also helps to readout signals to the processor.

5. Quantum Amplifiers

Quantum amplifiers in a quantum computer are present inside a magnetic shield to amplify processors to readout signals and to minimize the noise.

6. Mixing Chamber

The mixing chamber is present in the lowest part of the refrigerator. It helps to provide the required cooling power to bring the processor and components associated with it to attain a temperature of 15 mK. This temperature is considered to be colder than outer space.

7. Cryoperm Shield

The quantum processor stays inside a cryoperm metal shield that protects it from any type of electromagnetic radiation and to preserve the quality. This metal can withstand extreme cold temperatures.

Application of Quantum Computing

1. Quantum Search 

Quantum computing is used for factorization and discrete logarithms providing more than polynomial speedup. Besides all this, it also helps to find a classical algorithm, for various problems.


Some problems that quantum computing deals with are simulations of quantum physical processes from solid-state physics to chemistry. It also deals with approximation of Jones polynomials and solving the Pell's equation.


According to research done on quantum computing, it is found that quantum computers offer polynomial speedup for some problems.


One of the best examples of a quantum database search is that it can be solved using Grover's algorithm.

2. Cryptography

The application of quantum computation is capable of computing large integers that are products of a few prime numbers. This ability of quantum computers allows it to break many of the cryptographic systems in use today.


Quantum cryptography has great potential to fulfil some of the functions of public-key cryptography. Cryptographic systems that are based on quantum technology, are considered to be more secure than traditional systems, to solve the problem of hacking.

3. Quantum Simulation

As there is growth in the field of chemistry and nanotechnology, the system of chemistry and nanotechnology can't be simulated properly with the classical computing system. There is a need for quantum computing for quantum simulation.


This stimulation is used to simulate the behaviour of atoms and particles that are present in unusual conditions like reaction inside a collider.

4. Adiabatic Optimization and Quantum Annealing

Quantum annealing relies on the calculation based on the adiabatic theorem. In this, a system is placed in the ground for a simple Hamiltonian that gets slowly evolved and becomes more complicated Hamiltonian which helps in representing the solution to the problem in question with its ground state.


The future is here and coming nearer to us with each day passing by; as the world is preparing itself for the amazing opportunities that come with it. In that way, quantum computing plays a very important role.


Now with the improvement in technology, there are also new difficulties arising too. There is a need for more advanced computing technology to deal with all the present and future challenges.


Old classic computing technology can’t deal with those problems since they are too complicated for them. There are so many benefits that quantum computing can provide to the world. Now with the revolution happening in the field of technology, it has brought to us this amazing quantum computing technology. Read books on quantum computing to get more information and idea about how the system works.


According to research done on quantum computing, it is found that there are a very small number of quantum computers present in the world; as they are very complex to operate and very difficult to manufacture.
