
Below are straight up true facts I got from doing actual research from 911 till the holocaust where now I try to expose their agenda. 
Note:[Dont believe everything you read,Try to understand it, I am not Anti Jewish, just Anti Zionist, my goal with this page is to wake people up to the truth] 
Media control/USS Liberty/9_11/Saddam_CIA/Oded yinon / ISIS etc /Afghanistan/ Jewish Zionist power1.bank2.lobby/Zionism's nature/Holohoax/Zion_Slave_Trade/
Zionists and The Media control [Propaganda News] 
You may ask why the media doesn't cover this stuff , the answer is simple most media outlets are in the hands of the Zionists below is a video showing how much control they have in governments and the media (Names like Rothchild are rarely or never in the media because they own the thing and want less people to know about their power/presence. 
  At the same time the Zionists and Jewish people also own Hollywood, this is where you'll see multiple films being pumped about the holocaust and terrorists each year with a good agenda behind each release. He who controls the media, controls the majority.
-No news will ever be released to the public without our permission-The protocols of the learned elders of Zion_
Israel is also a country that pays for trolls on the Internet to misguide people_ spread false information_ its called the hasbara project
Jewish Vladimir Lenin
A good video on their power and control:
[Rothschild bought Reuters in the 1880s,Reuters then bought all the  media outlets..-Newsweek and time - Time magazine - CBS news etc, they use these big propaganda machines for agenda pushing]
Brother Nathaniel talks about Jewish media owners
A article on msm being very highly influenced by Zionists
 On the Zionist power in the west and in Europe in general
ZIonist editing of Wikipedia
The Shah Of Iran on the power of the Jewish power
James Traficant on the Israeli Power of the government and the media
Wikileaks is nothing but more zionist fraud, Julian Assagne likes to throw one sentence of truth in a packets of lies, this is called deceptive media manipulation, the leaks he has made aren't really as dangerous to the American government as they make it out to be, the video below covers it perfectly,
The news agency which delivers ISIS Videos gets it from an Israeli Mossad agent called SITE _ below is a video of her admitting she had the videos even before ISIS released the videos on their S. MEDIA_ now how does a intelligence service have the videos before the terrorist group has even released them _ that's for you to wonder_

USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair
False Flag: An attack done in order to get the blame on someone else , in favour of winning public opinion , to portray the ones who didn't do the attack as they did it. False Flag in recent history: Gulf of Tonkin which led to the Vietnam war.
During the Arab Israeli war an American vessel was driving through international waters when it was attacked by Israel, survivors said it could not have been a mistake as the vessel had the US flag and its name bright on it
why would Israel Attack an American vessle when their allies, its becasues they wanted to get the blame on Egypt so the US would enter the six day war, this fasle flag attack wasn't successful, below is a good documentary about the event. 
In America the survivors were all Jailed if they said the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel_ Many refused to then talk about it with anyone_
USS Liberty in a nutshell 
The lavon affair was a series of events in Egypt, it was the bombing of western set agencies in Egypt, bombing were all Carried out by Zionists.
A good article on it:
The USS Liberty is the perfect example of a failed false flag. 
Israeli Shekel 1968_Predictive Programming at its finest   
9/11 in five minutes 
To find out who did 9/11 , look at the one who's benefitting of from it the most.
Netanyahu's immediate reaction to the news of 9/11
04/10/2001 -
Ariel Sharon(Israeli prime minister) "Don't appease the Arabs at our expense" Just a month before the attack, which is interesting
On the morning of September 11 a bunch of Israelis with cameras already set up pointing towards the world trade towers where caught High fiving, dancing and celebrating when the planes hit_People who saw this found it quite unusual and called the police _
A recording of a video where the fbi does catch people with white explosives_ A truck load of explosives were caught on the Day with Explosives and those people were all Israeli Mossad agents who then were arrested by the FBI_ later released and deported back to Israel


The evidence was all destroyed and the Israeli mossad agents caught and arrested by the fbi on the day_were all released and deported back to israel by a Israeli dual nationalist Michael Chertoff_Keep in mind Destruction of Evidence in a crime scene itself is a crime_
"By the way of Deception thou shall do war" A Mossad Motto
A video of a Live BBC news report where the Journalist talking about the Fall of World Trade Center Building 7, all while she's talking Building 7 is standing right behind her.
Ill leave a playlist below on proving 9/11 as being an inside job/Mossad operation alongside the CIA involvement and the Saudis who I consider crypto Jews were all used as patsies. 
Christopher Bollyn is the guy I believe to have solved 9/11 to the dot.
Israel has a big history of false flaggers prior to and after 9/11_ solving 9/11 audiobook
Dr Alan Sabrosky "the military knows 9/11 was a Mossad operation, If one building was wired for demolition, all of them were wired for demolition"
Netanyahu "Predicts" 9/11 in 1995 , how on earth can anyone have such an accurate prediction?
A quietly buried WTC FACT by Ken O Keefe 
World trade centre building 7 falling on free fall, be honest with yourself, this was a wired demolition. 
According to Architects and Engineers _ A group of Professionals lead by Richard Gage _ This was Indeed a Controlled Demolition
A project For A New American Century
Which states a new pearl harbour would be needed, Created by dual nationalists and Americans[PNAC]
A group of people whom are mostly Jewish dual Nationalists but not all.
Zionist Neocons and Israeli dual citizens operating within the United States created a think tank named "A Project for a new American Century"
These men included James Woolsey, John Bolton, Paul Wolfowitz, Morton Abramowitz, Eliot Cohen, AaronFriedberg, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld  , Dov Zakheim, William Kristol, and Robert Kagan_PNAC's document "Rebuilding America's Defenses," called for a "new pearl harbor" event to justify American (read Israeli) imperial ambitions across the middle east and Africa.  The plans contained in their documents [which were published only 8 months before 9/11] are being carried out word for word, and have been for the past 17 years straight.  Hundreds of players involved in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks have been earning billions of dollars in profit through the military industrial complex controlled by Jewish Central banking families [see Rothschild].  These parasites have been bleeding the United States dry for decades, putting Americans 20 trillion dollars in debt while using and sacrificing its military as Israel's attack dogs.  The US and her allies have been used as nothing more than pawns to carry out the bidding of the Zionist State of Israel's genocide and expansion plans known as' The Greater Israel project "aka" The Oded Yinon Strategy

Ken O Keefe talking about Mossad Links with 9/11
Alan Sabroskys an army war college veteran interview regarding 9/11
Government lying about Osama bin laden accepting responsibility, :Osama bin Laden had connections with the bush family
, if America wanted to kill him they had many chances to but they didn't , Bin laden also had close ties with the CIA as he also used to be a cia general himself, the entire Al qaeda and Osama bin laden thingy was nothing more then media propaganda _ in all truth Al Qaeda is a group of paid mercenaries
funded by mossad_raw_cia 
Now government lying he died in Abbottabad Pakistan, why? Because they wanted to invade Pakistan alongside Afghanistan, 2 in 1 , the official story put by the US government was nothing more then a hoax , the mossad and the US along side traitors from the Pakistani government were involved in the hoax , the seal team that apparently shot Osama bin laden were in a helicopter that crashed later right after because the "Taliban" shot it down.
The "Taliban" shoot down the seal team plane right after they just killed Osama Bin Laden. p.s it was the US and Mossad that did it.
Playlist on 9/11, investigations , Israeli connections with the attack.
9/11- False flags - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYPXPTLEh11BSYUF-SaLpig39B8H9sTng
Good sites on the topic regarding 9/11 : Christopher Bollyn , Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 (ae911truth.org) , 911 New World Order | (911nwo.com)
The reason I am recommending you these sites is so you can figure out for yourself if it was an inside job or not, if you have any sort of sense you should come to the conclusion it was. There's no need solving every little detail , the main goal is to know the agenda , and who was behind it and why: My answer here is to find out who was mainly behind the attacks , you look to the country that benefitted of from it the most , which is clearly Israel.
Some more worth mentioning false flags _ King David Hotel _ London Bombings _ Lockerbie 
Saddam Hussein and the CIA
Jewish lobby pushing for war Pro-Israel Lobbyists Quietly Backed Resolution Allowing Bush to Commit U.S. Troops to Combat - Radio Islam (islam-radio.net)
Saddam Hussein was put in power with the help of the CIA , The CIA (Americans) provided him with depleted uranium ( a chemical weapon) this weapon was used by him near the borders on Iran. Saddam was backed the USA to invade Kuwait and to take all the oil that had come from that area.. After he invaded Kuwait America quickly backstabbed him, after this the Iraqis began a revolt to topple his government but the CIA saved his regime from collapsing by the help of planes shooting down the people who were revolting , killed most of his troops and took of with the oil. Here is a clip of Madeline Albright saying 500,000 deaths of the Iraqi children were worth it.
He put the children into incubators , which was a false testimony in court which justified this. There is no evidence of the incubators and its proven false at this point. Below it a link to the testimony , the girl was actually trained and was well at faking her tears but I wouldn't be surprised if the entire court was involved.
He was then backed by the USA to do the same thing to Iran... , This time he had the same chemical weapons , but no wmds (Weapons of mass destruction) which is why Britain and its allies alongside nato and the usa invaded it.
So whats Iraq like after 15 yearss of war.... An truthful analysis by ken o keefe and Mohammad.
why is this happening , There's two factors ,No1. Resources: Number 2: protecting Israel 
A soldier who fought this battle said we fought this war to protect Israel , sorry ive lost the clip to this But i have a clip where Netanyahu says the Iraq war was fought for our [Israeli] interests, he doesn't imply it directly but you can tell the fear he had from Iraq existence. 
Here Blair being questioned on his illegal invasion.
A video on how the media never portrayed an honest picture of the Iraqi resistance [why did you kill Zaid?]
A plan written in the 1980s to destabilise the Middle East for the greater Israel project. It is also called a strategy for Israel in the 1980s by Oded yinon a link to it below.
The Zionist conspiracy to divide the Arab states into small units | The Yinon Plan - Radio Islam (islam-radio.net)
These wars having been creating refugee problems in Europe and elsewhere _ They have destroyed countries and are serious crimes
a good video explaining it,
Ken o keefe on how they've achieved it in Iraq and on ISIS
What is that they want to achieve and why are they doing this? This question has a simple answer, it's the greater Israel project
It's to weaken states so Israel can easily take it over when the time comes, right now if you look at Iraq it has a puppet government alongside Egypt.
Below is a video of a US General, talking about how all these wars were planned along time ago, "take out 7 countries in 5 years", the war in Somalia is ongoing, Iraq is destroyed, Yemen is destroyed, Syria is hanging in there but generally speaking its destroyed pretty bad as well, the war in Afghanistan has slowed down the process , Libya has been destroyed and the US is looking for an excuse to invade Iran
A video of an Israel Lobbyist calling for a false flag against Iran
The result of these wars have been refugees, orphans and genetic problems due to chemical depleted uranium usage.
       INTELLIGENCE SERVICE                    - ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al nusra Front/ more fasle flags and media propaganda and terrorist proxies 
The head of cia: Mike Pompeo "we lied , we stole , and we cheated" he forgot to include we killed and we deceived
The American cia, Israeli mossad, India raw, Saudi Arabia[crypto Jews] , , Britain Mi6 , and other Western countries
created, Al Qaeda, Isis, Al nusra, BLA, Front, TTP Taliban[not the real 1]
Al nusra Front, Al Qaeda and isis have all one thing in common, the cia and the mossad created them all, their members are high trained mercenaries mainly from Israel[They learnt physical war skills from Japan] they wear a black mask to hide their face for a reason. When America was training, funding and supplying them with arms their media called them rebels _ I like funding isis and Al Qaeda but when I do I prefer to call them rebels _ The US regime created ISIS under timber  sycamore programme proxy army_ you can search this up, Isis the same as Al Qaedah is mainly just a group of mercenaries, the US created it, trained it, funded it, propogandad for it, Isis main goal was to topple Assad, and weaken all the other Arabic states more. 
Facts about Al qaida not existing but being media Propaganda 
Mossad not posing as Alqaedah _ Mossad_Cia are Alqaedah 

The Jewish Zionist connection with ISIS and the media propaganda
According to the msm Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi died multiple times. The video below should sum it up.
His real name is Simon Elliot who is a Jewish Mossad agent.
John Mccain and Shimon Elliot
There are more of Isis members and leaders who are mossad agents 
ISIS terrorists are getting medical treatment in the Golan Heights and Israel itself
Below is a truthful analysis by Daryl Bradford Smith on the situation of ISIS , who's behind it and so on.
Blackwater is a private terrorist firm which terrorises innocents, and they tell us there going to liberate people?
Why black water is behind suicide bombings in Pakistan
 A playlist to Erik Prince the war criminal being interviewed by Mehdi Hasan
The are quite some Blackwater members who grow up beards where I guess they try to pose as the msm terrorist. main man was Raymod Davis
I'll leave a link those photos soon,
Al Qaedah[an organisation where 90% of the members aren't Arabs/Muslims] the other 10% are Arabs that are criminal like. 
Some Jewish mossad leaders of Al Qaedah in the video below
What do you call the Mossad in English?
Some Freudian slips about 9/11 , USA funding ISIS etc
Kita Katz and site intelligence network exposed
Some more propoganda videos
 My playlists on media propoganda and lies
The White Helmets : A terrorist organisation that gives terrorists with medical aid, and robs the local people, this organisation was set up by a British man, mi6 agent to be precise, but its a terrosits organisation. 
The white Helmets stop saving lives as soon as the camera goes down.
A good playlist exposing them below
A playlist below on terrorist proxies overall
Technically America and Its Allies shouldn't be in Afghanistan _ theyre over there because Condoleezza Rice said the Taliban and Al qadia had connections _ This statement was truly a lie _ she said she would give evidence and proof, which she still hasn't _ The Taliban said they'd hand over Osama Bin Laden if they have the proof he did 9/11 and the US should come in a proper process to discuss this matter _ The truth to the matter is The invasion of Afghanistan was long planned before the September 11 Attacks. Now there are 3 or 4 types of groups operating in Afghanistan, one is BLA an RAW funded agency of mercenaries particularly from India, another is TTP, also a gang that poses its Islamic which is opposite of the truth, another is Blackwater, where its members disguise themselves as Afghans and do the suicide bombing, when they do this the media blames the original Taliban _ 
Now most American wars are for Israel's hegemony purposes but it would be stupid to think America and the West aren't benefitting from them either.
Afghanistan is one of the most richest countries in the terms of resources but yet its doing poorly at the moment.
The TTP Taliban are are group of mercenaries alongside idiotic extremists type of people created and funded by the Cia and raw to bash the image of the original Taliban at the same time weakening Afghanistan and Pakistan. When the taliban was in power, they made some mistakes of course, don't deny it, but the reason they were removed was because of the opium ban alongside other drugs and poppies. The crime rate of the country was around 5%,
Yes did make some mistakes while governing but if you compare the Afghanistan under American occupation where the country has a puppet government, criminals get away because of no strong law, 90% of the world's heroine comes from Afghanistan at the moment under the cia.
The video below does a good job at capturing this reality by Corbett report.
Another reason why the Taliban were removed is the reason that is the usury and interest ban / they wanted to bring their own banking system but I seem that sent a threat to Rothschilds banking dynasty as in world war 2 Hitler removed his banks and his country became the richest and most progressive country in Europe at the time[yes the bankers helped Hitler but were not going to discuss that here] just like this rotchchild couldn't stomach this move because without usury and interest the Elites are nothing and war is how they make off most money or profit the most.
This happened in Libya with NATOs criminal intervention which broke all rules of law
Life under Gaddafi, Libya's "Dictator", I'm not saying he was perfect, but the media and the West definitely a 100% did him wrong.
Jewish/Zionist power
Now to understand the enemy you first need to know how it works,
the enemy has different ways of working , it likes to hide behind its puppets , this is a reason why Jews push most for democracy in other peoples countries , why ? the masses and ignorant and cowardice , this is the way they hide behind to so called vote of the "majority" even tho elections in democratic and even in not democratic countries now are more like selections.
Republic > Democracy
 communism a Jewish invention they travel through different routes but in the end they have the same goal, which the domination of the world which in simpler words is during the goyim[gentiles] into slaves and leaving them some money for work, this is communism at its best where the state is Israel, everyone has to pay taxes and money to that state, in reality paying taxes to your banks which a Jewish owned, all the money goes to them through usury. 
The methods used are freemasonry , lobbying , finance , buying politicians etc....  The central European bank , federal reserve are all Jewish so they can easily do this.
Freemasonry promises to be light but it is nothing but darkness: 
During Nazi Germany when AH arrived in Germany he banned freemasonry because they found out that the countries power was in their hands ; not all the power but some of it,
freemasonry is an Jewish peril , pretty much if your not Jewish and a mason your pretty much a salve doing their work alongside the illuminati with is also a freemasonic movement.(Ill leave some videos that give you an idea of how it works , it requires rituals to join etc.)
Before this many Jews were sheltered in turkey , the jews belonging to secret societies. Ataturk and Emmanul Carrasso who lead the young turk movement which massacred around 4 million Christians were also freemasons apart of the Macedonian resurrected lodge.
Most of Americas founding fathers were freemasons, therefore making a freemason nation rather then a Christian one .  Video below covers it nicely
how did the Jews attain this power , there are two sides to this , one is they were heavily behind the protestant faith which broke loose of the usury ban by the pope , Europe under the pope usury was entirely banned , the Jews lived a good lives in An Analdus Ben Gurion "the golden period of the Jews was in Al analdus- The last diaspora 
over here Jewish people lived a life more comfortable then the one during the popers rule,they were persecuted for a good reason (mainly because of usury) here they got the Christians and Muslims to fight and went behind the scenes. If you study this event critically you shall find out that the Knight Templers were Jewish freemasons. The people that fell for their tricks were the WASPS , 
In recent history they got to power through communism in russia (the last battle for europa) is a good documentary on this on BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/video/fipExwRxUPdl/ 
another good site for this information is HolodomorInfo.com | The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans [They removed the site] on this site you should find out about the Jewish butchers behind communism.
80-85 percent of the communists were all Jews and the other ten percent were masons and people who could speak Yiddish
we cant say for sure if Stalin was Jewish but he spoke Yiddish and had 3 Jewish wives.
Putin-80_85%bolsheviks were Jews
The phrase "never again" has a secret meaning to it which is no country would ever go loose of the Jewish grip on finance again.
The elites are nothing more then just Jewish criminals who want a Jewish world order , which they call the new world order
In Europe know they own the entire continent financially , politically and media wise. They also own the middle east (Saadia Arabia) through Wahhabism which is a Jewish creation. "The Muslim Brotherhood" Were a bunch of masonic crypto Jews.
Harold Wallace Rosenthal" Most Jews don't like to admit it , but we worship Satan"
The people who wanted to stop the Federal Reserve were killed in sinking of the Olympia "Titanic"
The driver of the ship sank in on purpose to let the fed Exist without any threats. But this is not a 100 confirmed or accurate, but This ship included men like Jacob Astor who was A billionaire against the FED_
Harold Rosenthal also said that every American president since Roosevelt has been theirs , researching this you'll find out that a lot of Americas presidents were freemasons, he says they've been controlling the country since Roosevelt , Roosevelt is Jewish or not we cant say for sure , many people say he had Jewish ancestry but he was a 100% freemason alongside Winston Churchill who was another Jewish Stooge who sold out to them.
The biggest scam is the banking system : 
video below is informative exposing the scam reserve
Ken o keefe exposes the financial system on it was designed only to  benefit the few
With an infinite supple of money you can buy whoever you want , with the media in your side you can portray anything the way you want abiding to your agenda. You call these people the Elite, I call them Jewish criminals
Israeli Prime minister Shimon Peres boasting on buying governments ,vid below
2) Lobbying 
Weather its the ctif in france or the israeli lobbies in britain and the us , these lobbies have the main power. Israel isnt the only country that lobbies in europe and America RAW does it as well.
The US has around 20 different Jewish lobbies , apart from the establishment and the deep state also being theirs ,
Most governments in Europe and America have puppet politicians whose major interests are the Zionists interests, 
US Government Hostage to Israel? Interview 
US Presidential Election candidate says Israel did 9/11_Zionists control American politics
War mongers like John Bolton or full on zionists like Mike pence 
Can we criticise Israel? , let me be clear , there's a difference between arguing , criticising vs being a bigot and harassment
Congressman having to apologise for saying Israel makes us do stupid things.
playlist on the Israeli lobby
What is Zionism?
Zionism is a political agenda that seeks to demonise the truth, in any way possible, to finish of any threats to the Jewish power. It is a form of racism without any logic to it whatsoever making no sense.
Note:[not all Jews are zionists and not all zionists are Jews]
Israel has increased 4x the original land, has been the aggressor, broke the balfour treaty, attacked neighbours first
Quotable Quotes from the Chosen ones[their height of racism]
 Malcolm X on Zionism _ this pretty much covers their flawed ideology and their banking system which is looting the world
 An event that there to create sympathy for the Jews _ An event there is more proof it never happened according to recent revisionists _This event matters because it carried Israels illigal invasion on Palestine. It has to be noted that denying the holocaust can get you a prison sentence in the west_many killed _many revisionists gone in hiding _ To find out who rules over you, look at the one you can't criticise _ Voltaire
Predictive Programming
The holocaust has become an industry _ a good book on it by Norman Finkelstein _ The Holocaust Industry _
Many Jews to this day are receiving money for it on a monthly basis, from Germany _
So Revisonism here matters _ to work out _ after the war there were stories that AH used to make Soap out of Jewish Skin_ This was proven to be false_ Why the big lies? Also after the war Roosevelt murdered a Million Germans, you don't here about this as much as you hear about the six million have to sometimes wonder why even thought I know the answer_
There is no evidence of Gas Chambers Fred A Leautcher
The greatest lie ever told
Holocaust Fakery exposed
A good website on the holocaust :
Zionist Slave Trade
THe Zionists _Jews also Dominated the Slave Trade_How much did they did they 
Dominate_well if zionists never existed you'd have no slave trade_that's how big they dominared_All those ships were Jewish ships
These crimes have been blamed on whites and now there trying to blame other races like Arabs but they will never take the responsibility it because they did it.
Some good books
A Jewish Onslaught _ DR.Tony Martin
The secret relationship between blacks and Jews _ Minister Louis Farrakhan _Leader of the Nation of islam_
Both these books are excellent
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