Articles of association sample (AOA) can be considered as a constitution of the company. Its outline rules and regulation that specify companies' internal affairs and financial records. This document regulates the companies affairs, also defines the roles and responsibilities of the director.
Articles of Association are also considered a user manual for the explain the purpose of companies' strategies to fulfill long and short terms goals.
The context of the article includes legal name of the company, registered address, purpose, equity capital, rights of the members of the company, financial plan, power and responsibilities of the director and their limits, alternative director, general meetings, company secretary.
AOA of the company is a primary declaration of the nature & purpose of the company. this must be presented at the time of application for incorporation. they define clearly the responsibility of the director.
There are four types of companies that can use article of association sample:
1. Private limited
2. Public limited companies by shares
3. Unlimted liability by companies
4. Companies limited by guarantee
Components of the Articles of Association
This document will normally specify the way companies issue dividends, stocks, and financial records. AOA is completely focused on giving proper information about the strategy to achieve its daily, monthly, and yearly targets and goals.
Components: In general, it includes the following:
1. Legal company name
2. Purpose of the companies
3. Share capita
4. Shareholder meetings terms
5. Organization of the company
Why/how to use articles of association?
1. AOA can be used for a registered company that desires to have standard and elaborate the article of the association.
2. This document can be used during and after incorporation to amend an already existing memorandum of association (MOA)
3. AOA sample is an important and mandatory document for certain kinds of the companies act.
4 Under the unlimited companies: AOA should state the amount of share capital and the number of members.
Also, you can use an Articles of association sample and you will get relevant information to make the agreement easier.