
Here Are Four Tips For Working With Carbon Fiber Materials

carbon fiber parts manufacturing


Carbon fiber is a well-known option to replace woods and metals with stronger plastics. The carbon fiber reinforced polymer is light and strong with comparable tensile strength. There are many ways to utilize carbon fiber, as similar to other manufacturing materials.


If you are a seasoned fabricator, a lot of what you read in this post is probably familiar to you. These four tips are especially important if you're new to carbon fiber. It's equally crucial to understand how to utilize carbon fiber as it is to design parts that you wish to construct.


1. Use with care


The composite parts manufacturing are very robust and durable. They can still be damaged when handled incorrectly. We recommend that customers take care when handling their products. Carbon fiber fabric, as an example is best kept in the original packaging until used. If you don't use all of the material in a single session take what you did not intend to use back into the original package.


This is the way to ensure that your material is kept clean. If you let it get dirty, fabricating is more difficult. Along those same lines keeping dry fabric and panels within their original packaging reduces the chance of loose fibers being tossed about. Keep loose fibers to an absolute minimum.


2. Practice Proper Storage Techniques


Carbon fiber materials must be kept in a particular manner. Dry materials should never be stored in direct sunlight, or in areas where they can be exposed to moisture. Dark, cool storage areas are best for dry materials. Prepregs should be stored in accordance with the guidelines on the packaging.


Prepregs are carbon-fiber fabrics which are factory-made and already coated with epoxy resin. To guarantee the longest shelf-life it is essential to keep them in a cool, dry place. Additionally, they shouldn't be removed from cold storage until you are in the process of completing a manual layup. The resin will start to act if they are left to warm up.


3. Protection Equipment for personal use


If you're actually setting up or machining carbon fibre materials, you must use personal protective equipment. The type of equipment you require is contingent on the job you're doing. If doing a manual layup for instance, you'll require eye protection and Nitrile gloves at the very least. We recommend a mask as well. Make sure you have sufficient airflow to avoid being overwhelmed by the fumes.


Making or cutting carbon fiber components requires protective eyeswear, high-quality gloves for work, as well as masks. If you'd like to stop loose fibers from getting in your clothing, wear an apron or smock as well.


4. Cleaning up Afterward


After handling, you'll be required to wash your hands composite parts manufacturing. Do not simply scrub hairs off your skin and then scrubbing them off as this can result in tiny pieces of the fibers becoming embedded in your skin. Warm water and soap are better alternatives to wash off the dirt.


In the event you accidentally have epoxy on your skin, do not try to peel it off. Instead, use a towel or cotton switch to soak the area in vinegar. The vinegar will soften resin and help it wash off. Acetate is also effective.

We encourage you to speak with one of our team members at the time of purchase if you have any questions about safe handling carbon fiber items. All your carbon fiber fabrication concerns can be answered by our team.