
Noida’s CBSE Schools Help Students Solve Problems Creatively


Everyone has problems in their lives, and overcoming them isn’t easy. Problem-solving is a mental process that involves students analysing the problem and the root cause of the problem. The goal of problem-solving is to find a solution to the problem that will resolve the issues. Cambridge School Noida is one of the best 10 schools in Noida and uses a different teaching approach to teach students problem-solving skills.


Keep reading to learn more about how the best schools in Noida deal with problem-solving.


- Primary Tools for Problem-Solving

Creative problem-solving uses two primary tools for finding solutions to a problem: The two tools are:

  1. Divergent thinking is the process of generating multiple potential solutions for a single problem. It is also known as brainstorming. It is a creative process of thinking and generating new ideas and opportunities.
  2. Convergent thinking involves assessing the existing options and choosing the one you think is the right one for you. It is a method of finding actual and familiar solutions to problems.

The faculty at Cambridge School, Noida, one of the best CBSE schools in Noida, use these primary tools to help students learn problem-solving skills.


- Steps For Problem-Solving

Problem-solving usually involves five or more steps to start with.


  • Preparation: It is basically the inspiration phase.
  • Incubation: Preparing and engrossing
  • Illumination: The moment when you understand something crucial, have a good idea, or find the solution       to a new problem.
  • Assess: Investigate the idea.
  • Elaboration: Testing if the idea worked.

These steps can help the student maximise and organise themselves.


- Scope Of Problem-Solving Skills

In modern societies, everyone’s life is problem solving. Changes in different aspects of life, like society, technology, and the environment, mean that the individual is ready to accept the changes and learn from them. The key to success in this unpredictable world is resilience and learning from mistakes.


Bottom Line


Problems are a part of life if the individual is ready to accept the changes and learn from them. The two primary tools we have discussed are convergent thinking and divergent thinking. The faculty at Cambridge School, Noida, teach students to solve problems effectively. It has proven to be one of the best schools for nursery admission in Noida. Visit their website to learn more about the school!