
Common Tree Services Performed After a Storm

If storms hit your area, they can break weak trees or branches hanging vehicles and buildings. Understanding what to look for after a storm comes to trees surrounding your home or workplace can help deal with difficulties quickly and prevent issues when the next storm hits.


There are specific tree difficulties you can look for after storms have passed within your area.

When Miami Tree Service May Be Needed After a Storm

After the storm moves, look outside from the shelter of your home first. The purpose of doing this is that your trees may have trapped with utility lines. If this is something you see, it is vital to call an electricity provider right away. Once you have learned, there is no immediate threat. You can look for these difficulties that may occur. If need be, you can call a Miami tree service company to help you with any tree service.


Branches Pulling Away from the Trunk

If departments are drawing away from the trunk, they will want to be excluded so that they don't fall on buildings, people, or vehicles. To keep your tree healthy, you will need to ensure that these branches are pruned perfectly.


Torn Bark

While torn bark may not seem like a significant problem, these areas can become an excellent hiding place for insects and disease. Wounds will need to be polished and repaired to make sure the tree stays healthy.


Split Trees

If your tree was not in great shape before the storm or the storm was notably bad, your tree may break straight down the middle. If this is the case, the tree will likely need to be complete care.


Bent Trees

If your tree now has a weird bend to it or is no longer straight, it will require some TLC. If the tree is healthy relatively to be saved, your tree may need to be taken care of with professional tree services in Miami, so that the next storm doesn't take it out. It is best to have a tree-like this assessed to ensure it is not in threat of breaking and harming properties.

If you see anything unusual about the trees surrounding your property after a storm, it is good to have an expert assess the damage.


Hiring a Tree Service Company Near Miami to Assess the Damage

Whether or not you need professional tree removal in Miami, Fl will depend on the tree's overall health. A specialist is the best person to help you decide whether you will want to think tree removal cost or whether your tree can be accurately pruned back to minimize damage. If the tree needs to be removed, the tree removal cost will depend on the size of the tree and its location.