
Interior Design Assistant Salary in New York

The salary of an Interior Design Assistant can vary depending on the experience and education of the person doing the job. In addition to education, experience and location, the salary of this position also varies from one company to another. The following is a breakdown floor insulation of the salary of an Interior Design Assistant. These salaries can range from around $16,000 to $30,000 depending on the location. Listed below are some tips to help you get started. Read on to learn more about this position and its salary.

A bachelor's degree is usually enough to make a living in this profession. However, if you are not happy with your current salary, a master's degree might be worthwhile for you. The money spent on this degree will be recovered within a few years by the increased salary you will receive. Furthermore, it is not uncommon to see a pay gap between men and women in the same field. In Pennsylvania, the male interior design assistant earns approximately 44,500 USD, while the female interior design assistant makes about 45,600 USD.

A Bachelor's degree is preferred but not required. An Interior Design Assistant salary will range from $36,000 to $47,000 per year. However, you can earn more if you have experience in the industry or are an HR manager or compensation specialist. If you've been in this job for more than five years, you can expect to earn between $23,000 and $56,000 annually. This figure is based on statistics gathered from 461 TurboTax users. You should note that interior design assistant salaries will vary depending on your experience, education and location.

In addition to working alongside the interior designer, an Interior Design Assistant may have other responsibilities as well. They may be involved with managing client relationships, overseeing projects and managing vendors. Additionally, they may be asked to do some administrative work, such as preparing proposals and keeping track of client meetings. Aside from these, they may also be responsible for arranging transportation, setting up meeting rooms for presentations, and supervising work on site.

As a result, an Interior Designer Assistant salary in New York can vary considerably depending on your skills, experience level, location, and industry. A salary of $38,617 is the median for an Interior Designer Assistant in New York. A salary of $44,162 or $54,318 is considered to be a fair amount for the job. Nevertheless, it should be noted that salaries may vary by as much as 15% from Bronx to Utica.