Lantana flower essence may help integrating large amounts of information and filtering energy from multiple source. Many times, you feel and sense things on many different levels at once. You may be both happy and sad, or experiencing joy over one thing while being perplexed at another. Lantana Essence helps you filter these different dimensions of consciousness while staying with your core self, It may help if you are struggling in math or numbers - or even words - to find better mental coordination.
It acts mainly on 6th and 7th chakras (and above) and can help you find internal balance and equilibrium by helping moderate emotional extremes, feelings, and responses. In this way, it may benefit therapists and healers alike. If you're leading a group, or trying to balance complex family or office dynamics, using Lantana Essence may help bring about heightened cooperation and harmony.
Lantana Esssence may further help bring healing to broke homes, wounded individuals, including animals, and help you rediscover peace and comfort after experiencing misfortune or loss. In an altruistic sense, Lantana Flower Essence reminds you that "all are one" and may benefit spiritual communities and practices such as meditation, prayer groups and/or healing circles. It may also facilitate connections to other dimensions, including the astral and ancestral realms.Call now (808)-634-6284.