
Utility Patents and Design Patents

This article will help you gain knowledge about the utility patents and design patents their differences, procedure, and other related things, and when to apply for which type of patent will assist you in getting the Utility & Design Drawings in USA and Canada.


Utility Patents in USA and Canada: A utility patent protects the functional aspects of an invention; it protects the working of invention as claimed in the patent application. The Claims are drafted in techno legal language to seek broadest protection range. In addition, utility patents can cover various embodiments of an invention. An inventor can file a provisional application (which includes the only idea of the invention) to claim a priority date and within 12 months can file a non-provisional application (which includes a complete application) for utility patents. For getting the utility patent your invention must be Novel, Non-obvious and must have industrial applicability. In USA and Canada utility patents are granted for a period of 20 years from the filing date.


Design Patents in USA and Canada: A design patent protects the looks of a product; it protects the aesthetic aspects of a design, the ornamentation of the edges, the shape, the curve, and the proportion. In the design patents the solid line are claimed, and dashed lines increase the area of protection. In USA and Canada design patents are granted for a period of 15 years from the moment it is granted.


Characterizing differences between Utility patents and design patents:


Utility patents

Design Patents

Protects the working of an invention.

Protects the ornamentation of an invention.

To get utility patents invention Novelty, Non-Obviousness, and industrial application must be present.

To get design patents design new visual characteristics must be present.

Utility patents are costly and have a long and complex process.

Design patents are cheaper and shorter processes.

A regular maintenance fee is required to be submitted to respective IP offices of the US and Canada even after the grant of the patent.

No fees are required once the design patent is granted till its tenure.

A provisional application can be filed.

Only the final application can be filed.

HowInventionIP can assist you in getting utility and design patent drawings in USA and Canada

We assist businesses and inventors globally in their utility patent drawing needs, our experience team has complete understanding about USA and Canada guidelines to prepare the utility patent drawings.


We have experts to provide all kinds of design (drawings) using latest drawing tools, our experts are well versed in USA and Canada laws related to drawings. We provide quality solutions related to design.

For more information please click InventionIP.com