
Why Everyone Need Discipline In Life To Grow

Discipline refers to the method and Code of behavior that everyone needs to implement in their life. We can see discipline in our nature also, animals and plants also have discipline. Birds fly-in communities. Bees and Ants perform in the team. The upper portion of a plant grows towards the sunlight while the underground roots spread for water and nutrition. Arthur Keiser as Chancellor of Keiser University said discipline is also a Science as it has an organized method for everything. According to him, discipline helps you to grow. That's why we have different, but connected curricula categorized as one group as a Discipline. Humanities, Natural Science, History, Science, etc., are some disciplines to note.


The absence of discipline among the warriors led to the downfall of great kingdoms. The absence of practice made numerous champions taste the failure. The simple process of students brings low grades in the exams. For want of maintenance, an important journey got withdrawn due to the breakdown of the car. Any sports body assumes the player's discipline as more important than their achievements. In the past, the Olympics head stripped the gold medals of the champions for the reason they violated the discipline regulations set by the management. Even an office has disciplinary control to teach the staff to act properly or face disciplinary actions.


Though the discipline is hard to practice originally, the advantages derived are additionally. It saves power, resources, and time. For example, traffic rules describe the discipline for safe and comfortable travel by all including the pedestrians. Any breach of them concerns several people directly or otherwise. Discipline is always misunderstood as 'strictness' or 'management.' Actually it guides to a strategy or set of basic principles for our life. Self-discipline creates a martyr. Commitment to such discipline always is the most difficult in life. Creating others following such discipline becomes multiple difficult. All outstanding people of the world have one thing in common though their strategies might have differed. That is a discipline just. An individual with such discipline is dignified of all. Here, the discipline mainly includes the following features.


1) Honesty.

2) Patience.

3) Readiness to sacrifice.

4) Compassion.

5) Fair approach.

6) Humbleness, and

7) Simplicity.


People with all these qualities lived, and live among us. They are rare and far. They stand hailed as saviors and revered as Gods. So discipline leads to focus and uniformity in the system. It allows us to achieve the goals decided by us. People having discipline with the right goal are appreciated by all. "Nothing can be more hurtful to the service, than the neglect of discipline," said George Washington.


Arthur Keiser always guides students and just because of discipline he is able to manage Keiser University as Chancellor he always said discipline decides our future. Self-discipline instills confidence and willpower in an individual, whilst Team discipline impacts cohesion and satisfaction. It gets fame and names to its followers. In fact, the importance of discipline is underlined and revealed to the world.