Artists paint to produce their wonderful masterpieces, while writers write to be heard. Literature, aside from arts, is one of the best platform that promotes self-expression. One of the greatest genre in literature is nonfiction. Essays, journals, biographies, and memoirs fall under the nonfiction category. A lot of authors utilize their writing abilities to create literary works based on their personal experiences. It is because the more personal the story, the more life you can add to it. Also, readers can feel the sincerity and genuineness of the message and emotions conveyed in a literary work.
Memoirs are usually written to express, reflect, and teach. There are times in people’s lives in which they feel that it is unbearable to carry burdens on their own, that is why sometimes they opt to write it down and share those words. An author with painful, beautiful, or stressful experiences can extract a particular moment of his or her life, put it into words, and spread it to the world. The readers — whom these memoirs reach, may have stumbled upon or heard of the same experiences and can relate, reflect, or learn from them. That said, the bond of the author and reader will start to form. The purpose of the literary work has been fulfilled.
There are various authors that opt to put their life into writing. These people may feel more freedom and comfort in writing their experiences — good or bad, rather than talking about it. Most of these memoirs are being recognized for their heartwarming and truthful tales. Listed below are the award-winning memoirs everyone must never miss reading: