The Negative Impacts of Traffic Tickets
Most people who decide to contest their traffic tickets represent themselves in traffic court in Atlanta, GA. But is it worth it to hire a traffic attorney? It generally depends on the circumstances. For many people, hiring an attorney for a traffic ticket is definitely worth the cost. However, in some situations, a driver is better off not spending the extra money to retain a lawyer.
Getting a speeding ticket in Atlanta, GA., is not a misdemeanor or felony, but it can have serious and long-term implications. For instance, you will have to pay a hefty fine, you may lose your license for a while, and your insurance cost may rise. But, once you already have a speeding ticket, there’s no taking it back. The next step is to find the best way to deal with it.
When you are handed your first speeding ticket in Atlanta, GA.,, it’s normal to feel stressed and upset. You may have to miss work for court appearances and will have to deal with the ordeals of it. However, knowing that there are reliable attorneys out there to help you is a relief.
Driving is a privilege that shouldn’t be taken for granted. Whether you were having too much fun or were in too much of a rush, driving at 80mph in a 55 is never justified.
The Negative Impacts of Traffic Tickets
Although most traffic tickets don't typically result in jail time, it doesn't mean that they don't have a negative impact on you. Most states employ a point system in which each traffic offense is assigned a point value, with more serious offenses having higher points. States with such a system will usually set a limit to the number of points a driver can receive within a given time period, and if a person reaches that limit, his or her driver's license can be suspended.
States that do not use a point system still keep track of the number of traffic tickets drivers receive, and too many traffic offenses can result in the suspension of your driver's license. Since traffic laws are decided by states, it's important that you check your state's traffic laws to find out what conduct can lead to the suspension, restriction, or revocation of your driver's license.
- The Impact on Insurance
Insurance companies check their insured’s driving records. When they discover points, they raise that driver’s premium rates. Different types of driving offenses result in different rate increases. The Wall Street Journal reports that reckless driving will increase a premium by 22 percent, while driving without a license will result in an average 18 percent rate hike. Less egregious offenses, like driving without a seat belt, may cause an increase as little as three percent.
The issue boils down to risk. The riskier the behavior and the greater possibility the insurance company will have to pay out for the driver’s risky behavior, the higher the rate. Take for instance a reckless driving ticket: a 22 percent increase over a seven-year period could result in nearly $4,000 in extra insurance costs.
- Fines
The fine for a traffic ticket will depend on the severity of the violation and whether you have a history of previous tickets. A typical ticket may result in a fine between $75 and $400. If you receive a speeding ticket in Atlanta, GA, you may pay a higher fine if you significantly exceeded the speed limit. Paying a fine means that you acknowledge guilt for the violation, and it will remain on your driving record for a certain period. The length of this period depends on the state, but it often lasts about three years. However, if you go to traffic school in addition to paying the fine, the violation will not appear on your record.
- License suspension
Each state has its own point system, and a driver receives certain points on their record for each moving violation. If you get too many within a certain period, your license may be suspended. An adult driver probably will not face a license suspension for one or two ordinary tickets. If they have three or more moving violations within the last few years, however, their license may be at risk. A driver who is under 18 could face a license suspension based on a single violation. Parking tickets do not apply toward license suspensions.
A driver can try to prevent a license suspension at a hearing before an officer of the Department of Motor Vehicles or the equivalent. They may challenge the basis for one or more of the tickets that resulted in the points at issue, or they may argue that they need to drive for their job, among other strategies. If you cannot prevent a license suspension, you may still be able to get a hardship license that allows you to drive for limited, essential purposes.
There are many kinds of traffic violations for which drivers can be penalized. While most of them do not carry severe consequences, they can add points to your license over time that can make traffic tickets extremely costly. This is not ideal for any person, but it may be possible to prevent those consequences with the help of an attorney who Read More...