
会计代写,Accounting代写 The article “Tell Khaiber” comes from popular



 and is published in 2013, and it tells the exploration of the ancient Sumerian settlement site in Iraq, which is called as Tell Khaiber and is about the ancient Sumerian civilization. The other article Lost City is from NOVA, PBS, and is published on January 1st, 2010, and it records the excavation of the Lost City near Sphinx and Pyramid in Egypt, and it is associated with the ancient Egyptian civilization.

“Tell Khaiber” tells the question that the history of this site is richer than its desolated appearance indicates that this site possibly relates to the Sumerian civilization, especially the ancient civilization center at Ur. The research methods combine the knowledge and techniques from a variety of disciplines, and the site is explored by sondage and organizing the remaining, such as water-sieving. Lost City tells the public that the evidence of the fact that there are tens of thousands of people who built the Pyramids, and they lived near Pyramids. Just like“Tell Khaiber”, Lost City also uses sondage and organizing the remaining. What different is that the organizing the remaining uses mapping and classification, the evidence are presented, such as the galleries where those builders slept.

     The archaeology plays a role of inheriting the past and ushering the future. The archaeology shows the modern society the track of the ancient people, which enriches the history of humans civilization. It also warns the modern society to avoid the historical mistake presented by the archaeological work.  

borrowers tend to refinance in the subprime market in the black neighborhood. Actually, the loans are expensive, and the blacks have to pay for high fees and usurious rates. There is a color subprime mortgage, meaning that the mortgage is for the black borrowers.

    The further foreclosure crisis brought by the declined median price of the house makes the black suffer great economic pressures. Holding all of the wealth in home is prevalent to most middle-class families while they consider less about the stock, and sometimes the amount in stocks for them is zero. This typical method for the middle class becomes popular among black homeownership between the 1980s and the 1990s, because they think that this measure will ensure the wealth of their children. As a result, the black who have certain wealth tend to invest in the housing market, which causes the rise of median price of house in the United States that it reaches a new record high of $247,900 in 2007. However, the price is $216,700 in 2009, and more obviously in Prince George’s County where is the wealthiest black-majority county across the nation and has the biggest percentage black-owned firms nationwide. The declining home prices are particularly problematic for black people, especially the black wealth. On the one hand, the crisis makes it more difficult for the black to get loans with the aim on education of children or retirement of the employees. On the other hand, the decline of median price in the housing market arises the foreclosure crisis because of the subprime lending. Thus, the foreclosures to pay for the loans increases the pressure of living of the minority black neighborhoods.

    The effect of the racial discrimination is historically negative. The primary effect appears in the purchasing of house. The racism limits the homeownership of the black and hinder their accumulation of wealth. Besides, the limited house occupation increases the difficulties of loans. Though the limit becomes loose further, the loans to the black is higher than to the white. Due to the passion of purchasing house, the black bears huge burden. However, the declining median price of a house increases the financial press for the black.