
An Unpopular Opinion About cold pressed dog food

When it comes to dog food, most people are staunch supporters of cold pressed. They believe that it’s the best type of food for their pooch, and they have a lot of reasons why. Unfortunately, not everyone is on board with this popular opinion. In this blog post, we will explore why some people think cold pressed dog food isn’t the best option and what you can do to sway them in your favor.

What is cold pressed dog food?

Cold pressed dog food is considered a healthier option for your pet because the oils and fats are extracted from fresh, natural ingredients. The benefit of this type of food is that it is low in fat and calories, which can help keep your pet healthy. The downside to cold pressed dog food is that it may be more expensive than other types of food.

The Benefits of Eating Cold Pressed Dog Food

There are many benefits to eating cold pressed dog food. The quality of the ingredients is top-notch, and you're getting all of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants your pooch needs. Plus, the lack of preservatives ensures that your pup's tummy will be happy without any nasty side effects.

When you feed your pup cold pressed dog food, they'll get more fiber which is great for digestion. In addition to this, the acidity of the juice helps to break down proteins which results in a healthy stool. Finally, since there are no fillers or by-products in cold pressed dog food, your pup gets all the nutrients they need to stay healthy and active.

The Cautions against Eating Cold Pressed Dog Food

One common misconception about cold pressed dog food is that it's not as nutritious as other types of dog food. In fact, many experts believe that cold pressed dog food is one of the most nutritious options you can give your pet.

The main reason why cold pressed dog food is so healthy is that it's made from fresh ingredients. Most processed foods contain chemicals and additives which can damage your pet's health.

Another benefit of feeding your pet cold pressed dog food is that it's easier on their stomachs. Many dogs have trouble digesting processed foods, which can lead to problems like diarrhea and vomiting.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when feeding cold pressed dog food to your pet. First of all, make sure they have plenty of water available at all times. Not drinking enough water can cause dehydration, which will lead to problems like weight loss and poor digestion.

Furthermore, be sure to give your pet small meals throughout the day rather than one large meal. This will help avoid stomach pain and bloating. And finally, always read the ingredient list before feeding your pet anything new! Coldpressed dog food may contain unusual ingredients which could be harmful if not properly treated or digested.


While I understand why some people might not like cold pressed dog food, I personally think it's a great option for those looking to improve their pet's health. Most processed foods contain unhealthy additives and preservatives, which can damage both your pet's gut bacteria and overall health. By feeding them a diet that is made with whole, unprocessed ingredients, you are providing them with the best possible food for their body and mind. Visit Nextrition for more information.