
Five Steps to Write a Dissertation on Technical Research

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your dissertation? Don't let it confuse you. Continue reading for a few dissertation writing strategies that can turn your dissertation from a creature into something a lot more manageable



Your future career is dependent upon you doing a fantastic job with it, and, most importantly, completing it.

To be able to provide the best chance of completing your dissertation, ensure it is the top priority of your own life for the length that it will take to complete it. Place as many other components of your own life as you can on hold, or at least try to reduce your participation in them till you have finished your dissertation.


2) Take care of yourself

On the flip side, be sure to look after yourself. Get regular exercise and sufficient sleep. A dissertation doesn't get any better when it is written by somebody who's ill or sleep-deprived.


3) Remember That You're the expert

Remember that you are an expert. You were the person who did the research or the study that you're going to write about in your dissertation. So there's absolutely no need to be really stressed out. Just pretend you are going to explain it all to a friend or colleague at a very long letter.


4) Understand the fundamental structure of a dissertation

Most dissertations, technical or otherwise, follow a similar arrangement if they are based on firsthand research, which specialized dissertations usually are:

  1. A) Introduction

Inside this section, you provide a summary of your whole dissertation and its own objective.


  1. b) Theoretical background 

Inside this section, you provide an overview of the principal research on the topic of your dissertation and clarify how your dissertation research relates to everyone else's research. This is also the place to describe what you expect to discover in your study, i.e., your research theory.


  1. c) Your experiments or other research

In this section, you describe the research you did and exactly how you did it -- in very clear detail.


  1. D) Your outcomes

Here you describe what your results were, and provide graphics and tables as necessary.


  1. E) What it all means

Here, you explain how your results relate to a hypothesis as well as some other people's study and talk about the ramifications of what you discovered.


  1. f) Conclusion

This is where you present a summary of your entire dissertation and make suggestions for additional research in case you haven't previously done so in the last section.


5) Write down it

Once you recognize the basic structure of your dissertation, the actual writing of this will be a whole lot less intimidating. Considering that you have completed all of your research, which was the toughest part, your task today is"simply" to write it all down.


Begin by describing your experiment, i.e., by writing segments c, d, and e, in this order. These should practically write themselves and once you have completed them, you'll have the majority of your dissertation written.


This will lower your stress levels substantially, which should help you finish your dissertation.