When a task is extremely complex and layered, the most prudent way to approach it is to break it down into small parts and plan a stepwise implementation strategy. Only through focused plans and concerted efforts can a lofty peak be scaled. There is, inarguably, no loftier goal in India than ensuring access to quality education for all the children of the nation.
With there being a mammoth chasm between the demand for and supply of educational infrastructure in the country, we need all hands on deck to make education not just a legal right but also a ground reality. To this end, CSR NGO partnerships are playing an instrumental role.
The Social Responsibility of Corporates in India
It is no secret that the alarming levels of poverty, unemployment, and various other social evils are the primary causes preventing children from attending school or forcing them to drop out of school without completing their education.
Read the entire article here: https://www.soschildrensvillages.in/how-csr-can-help-improve-childrens-education-in-india/