
How Can AI-Powered Chatbots Help The Hospitality Industry

The world is quickly evolving into one that relies on technology more than anything else. There are people who have opinions on both sides on whether this is a good thing or not. However, they both agree that technology is here to stay. It only makes sense that we can start expecting to see them more and more in modern businesses that need to be smarter — in a technological sense — particularly the hospitality industry.

Creating intelligent hotels

Using AI for hospitality means that you are going to be relying on the newest technology to help create convenience and comfort for your customers. Common examples already in place include wider payment methods (Apple Pay, PayPal, etc), travel and itinerary planning from the hotel and even hotel rating inquiries right there in the hotel itself. Taking it that next step simply means relying on a little detail called Intelligence of Things.

The role of Intelligence of Things (IoT)

Creating even more intelligence in the hotel means looking at machines replacing humans as far as small tasks such as concierge services, booking taxis or other transportation, ordering room service, etc. The software from these kinds of tasks can adapt and adjust as it learns from customer preferences in order to be even more convenient.

The whole role of IoT is that it can take over some of the “menial” tasks from your employees to leave them free to focus more on the complex and person-centred ones that often get neglected. Machine and man can coexist when they’re used effectively!

The Future of AI in hospitality

One of the biggest pain points within the hospitality industry is the hotel. Language barriers, convenience and knowledge of local events are all common issues that guests report when travelling. However, this is how Artificial Intelligence based chatbots help the hotel industry. They can aid in all of these common pain points by being implemented properly within hotels.

Chatbots are designed to be multilingual, so there will be no more misunderstandings or miscommunications specifically due to language barriers. Convenience can also be helped with chatbots and smart kiosks, as they can aid with details such as check-ins, requests for information and more. Lastly, relying on IoT through kiosks and chatbots that are wired into the local hotel, guests can use these to find local events and interesting details when they want to, freeing up employees to focus on other tasks. Thanks to the internet, the information will be accurate and is often much more informed than even the best employee.

Advantages of AI Chatbots in hospitality

There are all sorts of advantages to consider artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry. Some of the highlights include:

  • Changing with the times: If your customers see that you are adjusting with the times and going with the integration of AI, it will show them that you care about their comfort and needs.
  • You want to improve their experience: When you use AI for hospitality, you are proving to your customers and guests that you want to improve their experience. You want them to have every creature comfort in AI form and this shows that you care about their comfort and satisfaction. This can often lead to recommendations to friends and other loved ones.
  • Use the data to grow: As you learn from the data and statistics of the machines just how AI is being used, you’ll be able to use it to address its use in the future and further refine it to be even more accurate and useful for customers. The more data you have, the more you can tailor an experience to your customers.

Thanks to the internet and advancements in automation, the information recorded will be accurate and is often much more descriptive than even the best employee. Likewise, these benefits apply also to the healthcare industry.

For instance, with the current pandemic situation that the world finds itself in due to COVID-19, a multilingual chatbot will be able to take on the massive influx of questions coming in from individuals concerned about COVID-19 in multiple languages and respond in an individual’s native tongue. This removes the need for a translator and completely removes any language barriers that would otherwise be present. With regards to convenience, it frees up a healthcare professional until such time that a question arises that is beyond the chatbot’s scope. Finally, chatbots can be used in both the digital health sphere and within hospitals to provide check-in points, information, and direction to those seeking advice.

If you’re interested in learning more about how AI-based chatbots help the hotel industry, or you want to boost up your business using artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry, please contact us at info@letsnurture.ca