
Please pay attention!Hong Kong is currently revising its visa application. Who will be affected?


Please pay attention!Hong Kong is currently revising its visa application. Who will be affected?

Recently, the Hong Kong Immigration Department announced that it will adjust the entry application procedures for other visas and entry permits starting from June 19th, visa hong kong including dependents, foreign domestic helpers, imported workers, students, training, and work leave plans. Applicants must declare whether they have a criminal record when applying for the relevant entry visa/permit.

As for cultural tourism, consulates, and "one-way passes", visa agency hong kong they cannot be affected.

The adjustment does not include the application process for extending the stay period, apec business travel card nor does it include the procedure for foreign domestic helpers who have already worked in Hong Kong to apply for renewal or complete the remaining/extended period of their existing contract, as well as the process for changing employers.

As for applications submitted to the Immigration Department on or before June 18th, regardless of whether the applicant has declared a criminal conviction record, the Immigration Department will continue to process them as usual.

Application Form Update

At present, the visa/entry permit application form has been updated under the new arrangement. Therefore, for those who need to apply for relevant visas/entry permits, please use the latest application form to fill out the personal data declaration form and submit the application!

It is recommended to pay close attention to the contact email u002Faddress u002Ftelephone number filled in during the application to avoid missing the notification from the immigration office. In addition, this adjustment does not include the application process for extending the stay period, nor does it include the application process for foreign domestic helpers currently working in Hong Kong to renew or complete the remaining extension period of their existing contract with the same employer, or to change employers in Hong Kong.

Not only that, the immigration department once again reiterated that they will strictly manage and approve every visa/entry permit application, and will adjust the teaching and business processes from time to time and review the necessary information for the application.

In other words, regardless of the type of visa/entry permit applied for, even if the applicant has provided relevant application information based on the relevant visa/entry permit application, the Immigration Department may still require the applicant to provide additional information depending on the specific situation of each application or adjust its internal evaluation regulations.

Providing false materials will result in conviction

The Immigration Department emphasizes that when processing applications, applicants must provide accurate, complete, and truthful information.

Anyone who knowingly and intentionally makes false statements or provides information that they know to be false or do not believe to be true is considered illegal. The relevant law enforcement agencies will take it seriously and, on conviction, can be fined up to 150000 yuan and imprisoned for 14 years.

What are the ways to obtain a visa to immigrate to Hong Kong?

According to the website of the Immigration Department, visa or work permit management for entry into Hong Kong can be mainly divided into five categories. The first category is to attract corporate talent, which includes seven programs, among which these three are the most popular among students.


Excellent Talent Entry Plan (High Cost Performance)

The talent introduction policy launched by the Hong Kong Immigration Department aims to attract high-tech talents or scarce talents from both domestic and foreign countries to settle in Hong Kong. The main applicants have a bachelor's degree or above, good oral and written communication skills (Mandarin), and sufficient financial capacity to afford living and accommodation after one year of arrival in Hong Kong, Just meet one of the "score scoring system" or "comprehensive scoring system" requirements. The 'Comprehensive Scoring System' can achieve a score of 245 and can only apply if it reaches 80.


Professional program (easy to renew)

The goal of the Hong Kong government is to attract qualified mainland professionals to work in Hong Kong to fill talent vacancies and enhance Hong Kong's competitiveness in the international market. In addition to possessing the necessary professional knowledge, skills, or experience, applicants must also be employed by local employers in Hong Kong. Bachelor's degree or above, with at least 5 years of relevant work experience, working with an employer in Hong Kong.


High end Talent Pass Program (Short Cycle)

Qualified management talents mainly include those who have earned an annual salary of HKD 2.5 million or more in the past year, as well as those who have graduated from the top 100 universities in the global economy and accumulated three or more years of work experience in China within the past five years. These two types of social individuals can be issued a two-year pass to develop in Hong Kong, with no limit on the number of people. Graduates from top 100 universities who have not met the requirements for practical work experience but have completed their graduation within the past five years can also be issued a pass, with an annual maximum of 10000 people. This plan will officially begin implementation on January 1, 2023, for a period of two years.

As an Asian financial center and international commercial center, Hong Kong has an open economic environment and superior geographical location, making it an ideal destination for immigrants by many people. The Hong Kong government also attaches great importance to talent and provides multiple preferential welfare policies.

Becoming a Hong Kong citizen not only provides global business opportunities and low tax benefits, but also allows children to enjoy high-quality educational resources, family members to enjoy comprehensive social welfare and high-quality healthcare.


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