
Abel Maxwell Dares the World to Dream



Even though the pursuit of happiness is central to what it means to be human, the lengths to which people would go to fight for their dreams vary. Some wouldn’t want to leave a steady job they’re unhappy with just to have the time to pursue a better one. Others, however, would risk life and limb to get to a place that has more opportunities than their place of residence. Abel Maxwell, an artist and author based in Toronto, is one of roughly 3.5% of this planet’s population, according to the World Economic Forum, who has decided to try and live out their dreams in a country other than the one he was born in.


Although leaving Lyon, France and moving to Toronto might not seem too dramatic, it was anything but easy. For one, Maxwell did it without actually knowing any North American English. He also didn’t have anyone to help him out at his destination or even a penny to his name. The very fact that he managed to get his bearings was a success. Starting multiple creative endeavors and seeing them through to fruition was even more impressive.


Today, some ten years after the move, Abel Maxwell is adamant about being the ambassador of dreamers and the people who don't give up. His whole mantra and main branding message is “Never Give Up,” and he includes it in his music prominently. “When you see a flower growing through a crack in the concrete, that’s how I see myself and my success,” he explains. “And I want others to know that it can be them, too. They can make it no matter how difficult the circumstances around them.”


The messages Abel Maxwell sends don’t end there, however. Staying in the spirit of universal positivity, he also invites people to have confidence, believe in themselves, and work hard at their craft and skills. He led by example, too; he had to work hard to build up his confidence as a performer. He still has to do the work to be able to control performance anxiety, even though performing and spreading joy is one of his favorite things to do. “You should also stick up for yourself and what you do,” Maxwell adds. “There will be people who will criticize you because they don’t understand, or because they’re just mean. It’s important to learn to ignore the noise and push through it all.”


Abel Maxwell’s message and the way he delivers it has found an audience around the globe. In a world starved of positive role models willing to put themselves out there and fight for their dreams in the public arena, Maxwell cuts an unmistakable figure. Besides having a solid fandom and plenty of opportunities to expand it in Canada, Abel Maxwell’s music came across eager listeners in Europe and Africa, too.


The added attention also gave Abel Maxwell an impetus to perform even better for his audiences. Believing that people who come out to see him only deserve to see him at his best, he’ll make sure to create a good show, planning and rehearsing meticulously. “I’ve had to develop the discipline, persistence, and confidence to become a good performer,” he says. “Those same skills can come in handy when pursuing excellence in any other field, though, so any dreamer should pick them up sooner than later.”