Many people think that logo designing is an easy task, just think about some ideas and start designing. You will most likely go through lots of steps and processes before you will get the right design that will fulfil your business purposes. Most businesses fail to make an impression through their logos because they didn’t do their homework.
It is important for you to not make the same mistakes. In this article, you will know what the logo design process is. These steps are generally followed by many business owners and designers. Some may follow a slightly different approach. Nonetheless, the process is pretty much the same. So, let’s get started.
Understand your brand:
Before going to the sketching and designing part, it is essential for you to first understand your brand. What your brand is going to offer, what products and which type of design should I have that would best reflect my brand. This is the foundation of any logo designing process.
To make it relevant to your brand, it is important to ask the right questions in this step. Some common questions you would ask; what my brand represents? What is the message my business will be sending? Is it relevant and appropriate? These questions may seem simple and common but they give you clarity and help you to stay on the right path.
Research your market:
First, you analyzed your own business. The second stage is to research your market. In this step, you will research your potential customers, what they most like and dislike. Also, you will be researching your rivals. It is essential to understand these things before you start working on your custom logo.
Once you have analyzed all the factors of your market, you should combine these concepts with your brand. In this stage, you probably will start getting the idea of how your logo design will look like. Again these questions may look simple and plain but they will help you in generating ideas and give you more clarity.
Start sketching:
After getting answers to your questions, you are ready to start working on your emblem. In this stage, it is highly recommended to get the services of professional designers because they will design you an emblem that will look effective and professional. Make sure to communicate all the findings of your research. So, they can work and create an accurate design.
If you have any ideas of your own, do communicate them with your designer. Also, be open to ideas from your colleagues and friends. This can turn into an effective brainstorming session for you and will help you in creating a unique emblem. At the end of this stage, you would come up with several suggestions. Shortlist your favourite logos and go forward.
Black and whites:
This is perhaps the most crucial stage of the logo designing process. The key here is to first make your emblem effective and catchy without the use of colours. It is highly recommended to minimize the use of colours because on many platforms colours will not look sharp and this will damage your credibility.
That’s the reason why the strong emphasis is put to create a black and white version of your emblem. Firstly, this will make it versatile and can be fitted anywhere. Once you make sure it looks great in black and whites you should go ahead and start adding colours that will make it extra strong. You should not add more than a few colours or it will become complex.
Evaluation and Feedbacks:
Once you have gone through all the steps. It is time to evaluate your results and feedbacks. Discuss the results with your team and marketing department and check if there are any mistakes. So, you can sort them out before you start promoting your logo.
Lastly, know what your customers feel about your emblem. To know how they feel, you should conduct surveys through questionnaires and ask what they feel and like most about your emblem. So, you can make the necessary improvements to it.
Creating custom logo design services is not an easy process but it is also not a complex thing at all. This simple guide can help you to create a logo that will fulfil your business needs and hopefully help you in creating a successful brand.