
Problem Solving Training

Problem Solving Training is vital if you want to be successful as a manager. Problem Solving skills is also a great supplement to coaching courses designed to give you the theory, strategies and techniques to hone, refine and develop your team in problem-solving and leadership skills. Your role as a manager is to not only see the big picture but also to assemble the clues of possible problems from your operational activities and to analyze these problems to determine their causes and solutions. It is your responsibility to ensure that the organizational goals are met and that the team members are committed to carrying out the assigned work within the time constraints and budget set by you.

You need people who are willing to work together and to take ownership of the problems facing the team. If you go into problem solvency with the attitude that the problem is unsolvable and there is no way to get around it, you will be destructive to the organization and will drive away the people who are involved in problem solving. You will also fail to realize the incremental benefits of implementing the changes needed. In fact, you may do more damage than good. So before you bring people into your organization, it is important to address the problem that is standing between them and the goals you have set.

The problems or uncertainties can range from issues with production to issues with customer service. Some of these issues may be solvable quickly; others may require a series of in-depth and often difficult negotiations. Some problems are so important that if ignored, they can have a devastating effect on the business. It is important for managers to understand these nuances and the potential pitfalls of inaction or procrastination.

In the past, many managers and leaders chose to ignore or procrastinate. They turned away from the problems, not knowing how to solve them. This contributed to some of the worst performance indicators in the business - a dwindling sense of customer satisfaction, a dramatic reduction in growth, and the worst customer service ever recorded. These problems are solvable, and management must make sure that they are recognized, and that action is taken to mitigate their impact.

Managers must realize that they are not immune from making poor decisions when it comes to problem solving. After all, this is the basis of problem solving itself. The company may be doing everything it can to solve a particular problem. Yet, the problem may be much more complex and therefore require more attention and effort than meets the eye. A manager needs to learn how to overcome obstacles, but in doing so, he or she must first understand what is needed to solve the problem at hand.

There are two basic ways to approach a problem, and both involve the development of a plan of action. The first method is "frontal." In this case, the team looks toward its own goals and tries to achieve a degree of coordination and cohesion. The second method is "backward." In this case, the team needs to look at the problem from the backside - in other words, from the outside in.

The right way to tackle a problem is through a series of steps, each carrying out one of the primary stages mentioned above. At the beginning of the process, people will need to establish goals and an agenda for getting there. Once these are decided, people need to choose a plan of attack - and get to work. As each step in the process is reached, the plans will change and adjust to fit the circumstances under which they will be implemented. When all steps have been taken, the desired solution will then be realized and the work will be completed. The process can go on until the desired result has been reached.

Problem solver training can provide a valuable insight into how well people are able to solve problems when put into the appropriate situation. It also can help managers ensure that the people they hire are actually capable of doing so. Problem solver training gives managers a framework within which to assess the skills and the character of the people they are hiring. Problem Solver Training helps make sure that the right people are hired for each job, allowing managers to avoid the waste of time and money by making poor choices and hiring people who are actually less effective.