
What are the Symptoms, causes & treatment of Dengue fever?

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Second medic @Second_medic · Nov 8, 2021

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that's becoming more common in many parts of the world.

A severe flu-like illness with muscle and joint pain, rash, headaches, nausea, and vomiting can be accompanied by a variety of other symptoms which include inflammation of the eye or gums causing pus build-up or tooth loss. Visiting a doctor is advisable if the headache lasts for more than 3 days; there are sudden meteors in vision;

The virus lives inside mosquitoes and is transmitted to humans through their saliva when they take a blood meal from an infected person. Vivax mosquitos tend to bite both day time and night time, while Aegypti mosquito prefers only night time

Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus, which is spread to people through mosquito bites.

The four types of dengue virus cause similar illnesses however the risk for severe disease and death increases with successive infections due to how it affects your body's immune system. The most common symptoms include high fever, headache, sore throat, nausea or vomiting (only in some cases), fatigue or lack of strength (maybe unrelated), pain behind the eyes (called "photophobia"), and rashes on arms, legs buttocks.

-Flu-like symptoms

-Rash on the wrists, arms, legs & trunk of the body.

-Joint pain or muscle pain


Treatment: Pain medications and fluids to maintain adequate hydration. Low platelet count requires blood transfusion for carriers of thalassemia. Low platelet count is treated with plasma exchange therapy or immune globulin infusions. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is also treatable but the outcomes are bad if not caught early on. Death rate increases with the severity of dengue infection (DHF). DHF patients need IV fluids, clean water preparation techniques, antibiotics, antiemetics, and antipyretics; ideally in a hospital setting.

Dengue Fever is a viral infection transmitted primarily by mosquitoes. The virus infects the human ribonucleic acid (RNA) and affects platelets which become unstable and may lead to internal bleeding.

Symptoms of dengue fever include the following: high fevers which can reach up to 106 degrees Fahrenheit, headache, pain behind the eyes, joint pains, skin rash that looks like measles, or prickly heat. In some cases, it may be necessary for patients who experience unusual bleeding or persistent vomiting to get fluids intravenously (IV). For severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary with supportive measures such as maintaining fluid levels with IV fluids and careful monitoring of blood pressure.

Very feverish and break out in a rash. Treatment for Dengue Fever is rest, fluids, and aspirin or paracetamol to relieve pain. If someone has a loss of appetite or is unable to keep down fluids, seek medical help right away. Otherwise drink plenty of fluid such as water, cordial lime drinks such as Fanta. Avoid alcohol and caffeine because there can be low blood pressure associated with this illness which will cause more dehydration while worsening the symptoms. Symptoms usually start between 4-7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito but may start anytime from 14-22 days following a bite from an infected mosquito depending on what type of virus was transmitted that infection period depends on your immune system.

Dengue fever is an infection of the human body by one of four closely related dengue viruses. It's typically carried by mosquitoes, prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. The symptoms which are experienced are fevers, joint pains, severe headache, nausea, at times secondary bacterial infections that can be fatal to sufferers with other pre-existing health conditions. Diagnosis is through blood tests following possible exposure. Prevention involves mosquito control measures such as mosquito repellents and the elimination of mosquito breeding grounds. There is no universally accepted treatment for this particular illness yet though there have been trials done on animals so there might be after all good news for us down the road.

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease. Signs and symptoms may include mild fever, headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle aches, joint pains, nausea, or vomiting. The key to treatment is prevention against mosquitoes through avoidance of mosquito bites and use of insect repellents.

Mild cases usually get better without any specific treatment by 6 to 10 days. Use painkillers for the headache, drink plenty of fluids for persistent vomiting or nausea or other signs that develop after ten days or more that are not improving gradually on their own. Seek immediate medical attention if you have difficulty breathing(especially when accompanied by a cough), your skin is clammy with generalized discomfort("body aches"), unusual bleeding.

There are many symptoms of dengue fever, including headaches, nausea, and vomiting, pain behind the eyes both at rest and with movement. Joint pains are common too. There is no specific way to prevent dengue but prevention can be attempted through controlling mosquito populations in urban areas. There's no specific treatment available for this disease, though once it begins to recede patients can use acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

The fever is as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit and causes debilitation, dehydration, abdominal pain and headache. The Dengue virus causes the flu-like illness Dengue Fever. Symptoms include a sudden high fever accompanied by headaches, muscle aches, and extreme tiredness. It might seem like a minor cold but it can be potentially fatal and needs to be treated as an emergency if not diagnosed correctly in time.

This mosquito-borne disease also has far more serious consequences including internal bleeding called dengue hemorrhagic fever that can lead to death from shock or multiple organ failure after subsequent infection with other bacteria or parasites from contaminated surfaces such as water droplets on door handles of public buildings.

Dengue fever is a viral hemorrhagic fever and quickly becomes life-threatening, resulting in an extremely high mortality rate. Symptoms include high fever, skin rash (large red patches), joint pain, headache, nausea and vomiting, muscle and bone aches. Treatment includes keeping fluids up by taking electrolyte drinks such as Pedialyte or Gatorade which supplies the water and sodium your body needs to function properly. Avoid sugar drinks because they can make you sicker if you're not getting enough sugar. Get plenty of rest and lots of hydration for the best results!