Provide the best in class On-demand delivery services to your users. With Gojek clone software, users can avail of almost every on-demand service. Let us now drill down to know the basic steps involved in accessing the app.
- The user will download the app, and complete the registration.
- Now the user will search for particular services, and will send requests.
- The admin will process the request, and map it to the service provider.
- Based on the availability, the service provider will confirm the request.
- Next, the delivery person will deliver the order to the user.
- After availing of the service, the user will provide feedback.
Some of the highlighting features of Gojek clone software:
- Trip rate estimator- The trip estimator calculates the fare of the ride based on the distance. Users can know the fare of the ride once they input the source, and destination.
- VoIP based call masking- This feature enables both users, and drivers to contact each other. This eliminates the need to share their contact details.
- KiOSK booking app- You can expose your services to attract tourists. For this, you should enable KiOSK booking at hotels, so that tourists can avail of your services from the hotel itself.
Summing up, you can set up this application, and launch into the marketplace in no time. The Gojek clone price completely depends on the number of features integrated into it. Also, based on resources we use, the price will be calculated. To know more such things in detail, schedule an appointment with our team.