
Brand Marketing | Student Blog | VESIM Mumbai


A brand can be any feature that distinguishes itself from others. It can be a name, design, logo, etc. Even people can be brands with their names and the deeds they are performing. For example when you hear the name Sachin Tendulkar you start thinking about cricket, Ronaldo, Messi and you can relate to football, Amitabh Bacchan and you think about movies. This is because they have become big brands with excellence in their work.
Branding is very important when it comes to selling products and services in the market. This is because once a brand becomes famous it starts attracting customers without too much effort in advertising and promotion of the product. For a brand to become famous or to get in the minds of the consumers it needs to be properly marketed. This is where brand marketing comes into play. Brand marketing is the promotion of products or services by promoting the brand as a whole...


To read more: Brand Marketing