The word Rasayana is a combination of two separate words Rasa and Ayana. The word Rasa in this context means the first liquid tissue which nourishes all the tissues in the body and Ayana is its circulation. This means that if rasa Dhatu is produced in optimum quality and quantity, then naturally all the tissues in the body will be nourished properly. Adyant Ayurveda assured you about experience of Best Rejuvenative Treatments in Bangalore.
The method by which Rasa is carried to all the body tissues for biochemical metamorphosis is called Rasakriya. Rasayana also means the purification of all tissues from Rasa to Shukra. It also aims at giving strength to senses, mind and intellect. Hence Rasayana or rejuvenation is such a form of treatment in which all the tissues are nourished and enhanced. The nourishment of vital tissues helps in stopping old age.
Thus it is useful for the enhancement of qualities of life, the span of life, increased intellect and enhanced physical strength. It also enhances the immunity of an individual leading to health.
1)Abhyangam: Abhyangam is a form of Ayurvedic holistic healing massage therapy that involves massage of the body with large amounts of warm oil (pre-medicated with herbs for specific conditions).It involves the use of warm herbal oils applied to the skin
in a rhythmic manner to promote physical and mental relaxation, improve
circulation, and stimulate the lymphatic system.It can be beneficial for maintaining health and is used therapeutically for certain disorders like anxiety, fatigue, paralysis, spondylosis, arthritic problems, injuries & backaches.