
How to Monitor your Website Server Uptime

Uptime is an important feature when buying a hosting service. And it means that your host is available. The unavailability of your site will have a negative impact on your business most of the time. If you don't have proper uptime, customers won't be able to see your website because your hosting servers and your site won't be available for a while. Therefore, in this article, we are going to examine the concept and the reason for the importance of server uptime.

What is site server uptime?

Uptime is the duration of the site being online on the Internet during a year, which is calculated as a percentage. In other words, the duration of an IT hardware device is running, the most ideal number of which will be 100 or close to 100.

A site must always be online and available, and any lack of access and server error can cause damage to that website, including the loss of users. Uptime is one of the most important criteria for determining the quality of web hosting service providers.

In addition to losing customers, having a low uptime or downtime will also cause the site's rank to decrease. Because frequent and long-term outages are considered negative by search engines and are not suitable for SEO of the site in any way.

Effective factors in determining server uptime

Factors that can affect Uptime include:

Server network

Servers are kept in the data center to increase their security. Adequate mastery of full control and management of the server and network upgrade can help maintain information and reduce the possibility of downtime.

Server hardware

Parts such as CPU, RAM and Hard are used in the server. whose quality and lack of disruption in their performance can lead to an increase in server uptime.

Server security against hacker and malware attacks

To maintain the security of your server, it is recommended to follow the following steps to copy your information in a standard and professional manner. In the following, we will examine some of these cases:

  • Not using an updated content management system
  • Not using module and unsafe components
  • Using cloud-based security tools
  • Compliance with security tips such as setting the user level

Software installed on the server

  • Not installing software, templates, modules, components with broken or old files
  • Installing software such as mail server, web server, etc.
  • Not installing software that increases the possibility of computer viruses.
  • Do not use unsafe codes and scripts

Methods of increasing server uptime

To get a high level of server up time, you have to consider many factors. The most important of these factors are:

Choosing reliable hosting companies
Be careful when choosing a web hosting company. Because this is not easy at all. Most web hosting companies promise 99.99% uptime. But in practice, they can hardly do this. Try to make this choice with a lot of research and open eyes.

Use of monitoring software

Always monitor your site activities by using a separate website uptime monitoring service. For this, just register on a site related to this service and set your monitoring level with the help of an online form.

When you use site server uptime monitoring software, you have the ability to regularly schedule HTTP requests arriving at your site. This means that you can configure this software to continuously monitor your website and if your website goes down or becomes unavailable for any reason, through The email will notify you so that you can take the necessary actions as soon as possible.

Also note that a good hosting must have the ability to fully control and manage its servers through a monitoring system. and make backup copies of all site information and have their servers located in secure data centers. So that the Uptime of the site does not suffer from the influence of hackers and other factors.

Improvements to site security

Protecting website security is one of the most important activities that should be done on websites. Because hackers can cause serious problems for you and increase the downtime of your site with malicious attacks. If you can protect your website from security attacks by performing a series of security activities, you can easily increase the uptime of your website.

Website speed

Site loading speed is one of the important and effective factors in SEO. that you should check it in different devices and take action if there are any possible problems. When you pay attention to the loading speed of the site and its performance, you can encounter various reasons that cause your site to stop.


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Reduce site server loading time

Many unpredictable disturbances occur in the server. which cause your website to stop and crash. Therefore, in order to reduce the loading time on your site server, you should do the following:

  • Reduce external codes on the site.
  • Use the cache correctly.
  • Avoid unnecessary and malicious plugins.
  • Reduce the size of your site.
  • Instead of using images on your site, use CSS codes.

Benefits of site server uptime

Imagine that you have a website and sell your products through it and you are actually doing business online. The availability of your site at any moment can be very effective in your sales.

You may lose a lot of your income even with the unavailability of the site for an hour. Because customers simply go to your competitor's website and make their purchases there. Therefore, in choosing your hosting, be very careful that it has a good uptime, and in case of server failure, it can be fixed quickly and has good support.

How to calculate uptime percentage

Uptime is calculated based on the number of hours the system (server) is available during a certain period of time and is expressed as a percentage. Suppose we are measuring the uptime of a server for 356 days. Now, let's assume that the server goes down for one hour every month during the year. Therefore, the website upload time is the total number of hours of the year (8760) which is reduced by 12 hours and equals 8748 hours. which is 99.86% as a percentage. This means that for a given period of time, the server was working 99.86% of the time.

Whenever the web server goes down, the website goes down. In an ideal situation, the uptime of a server will be 100% because the server will not crash at all. However, even using the services of the best hosting companies in the world, 100% is almost impossible. Even the best hosting companies usually guarantee 99% uptime.


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Checking the uptime of the site server, if done by yourself, is a very difficult task, because you have to check your site around the clock to find its downtime. For this reason, there are many tools in this regard that do this automatically. These tools are available in two models, free and premium, which you should choose according to your needs.

The best server monitoring software

Uptime robot, Monitor Us pingdom and WHSR tools are some of the free site and server monitoring software that are used in this field. Also, by examining the global market, we find out that the three monitoring software Solar winds, PRTG, manager Engine (OP manager) are respectively the three best monitoring software in today's world. In Iran, ZABBIX, cacti and Naios open source software are widely used. You can use these tools to perform HTTP monitoring, Ping monitoring, DNS server monitoring, TCP monitoring, etc.


In this article, we talked about the terms uptime and downtime and how to calculate them. Then, the reasons for the importance of high uptime and the effective factors in server uptime were investigated. Also, at the end, a number of practical tools for measuring uptime and downtime were introduced. If you are a business owner or you have just started your business, Ravis Advertising Group will help you design a website with high uptime to promote your online business in commercial fields. .

We hope that this article from the site's training series will be useful for you. If you did not find the answer to your question in this article, ask your question in the comments section. Our experts will answer your question as soon as possible.