
Zimmer Pneumatic Gripper Distributor | SEIMITSU Factory Automation Pvt. Ltd

Grippers are used as an aid for robotic hands to pick and place the object. Zimmer introduced a wide range of Grippers from which you can choose according to your application’s technology and object appearance. Zimmer had Pneumatic grippers, Electric grippers manual grippers, etc. The movements of grippers can be controlled with the help of pneumatic force. Pneumatic grippers can be 2-jaw or 3-jaw grippers, these jaws can be long, very long, or short as per your object size.



SEIMITSU Factory Automation Pvt Ltd is an authorized distributor of Zimmer products.


For more information, please visit our website at https://www.seimitsu.in/zimmer-pneumatic-gripper.html


or you can write us at sales@seimitsu.in for personal assistance our sales personnel with reach you within 24 hours.

