
D S - Student B

D S - Student B

  • •&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;Three Key Ideas, Chapter 13, Nehemiah   

1.     “Sometimes the greatest legacy we can build is to touch the lives of other people.” (Ed Hindson, pg. 196) – The beauty of this in the chapter, through Nehemiah, and in life is that we do not have to be the Savior of the World, or anything else for that matter to make an eternal difference. Simply treating people right and being part of something worthwhile often paves the way for greater things to come. Things we may never see, yet still should believe in. The rebuilt wall secured Jerusalem for generations and for the arrival of the Messiah. 

2.     Power of having a Vision – Nehemiah was known to have the favor of the King. Rather than abusing this favor his humility and inclusive leadership motivated the masses to his vision of a Jerusalem once again protected by a wall.   

3.     Leadership Elements – Commitment, Motivation, Teamwork, Decision, Goals, Accomplishments, and Celebration, Nehemiah led Jewish leaders, helpers and servants alike in the rebuilding of the wall. He spoke with commitment as if it were the will of God. In fact, it was. Thus, he refused to be distracted by critics, continually involved and motivated all those helping and he celebrated with them upon completion.  

  • •&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;Two Things Learned 

1.     The King, Artaxerxes knew Nehemiah to be an honest and good man. This helped rally, motivate and give all in Jerusalem confidence the rebuilding of the wall was supported by the highest level. Nehemiah’s leadership and vision led many to believe it was also the will of God. I found Nehemiah’s relationship with Artaxerxes similar to that of Daniel and his relationship with King Nebuchadnezzar.

2.     “Nehemiah understood the value of celebrating and commemorating their success.” (Ed Hindson, pg. 200) “The joy of the Lord is your strength,” he announced (Nehemiah 8:10). Nehemiah’s unselfishness and appreciation of others proved inspirational then and now. The seven-day national celebration upon completion of the wall resulted in a revival of faith and a renewed Covenant with God.   A binding agreement was signed by many and the Nation of Judah was reborn.

  • One way to apply lesson learned

Any mission, any ministry a Christian undertakes will at some point hopefully come to a successful conclusion. When it does, it’s important we remember to celebrate with all those who helped along the way. This is a time for sharing credit, appreciating each other, and praising the Lord for the completion of our important work and the blessings we found in each other along the way. Thy Will Be Done, Amen.


[Ed Hindson (2017). (p. 196). Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old Testament Heroes (Updated). AMG Publishers. Retrieved from https://app.wordsearchbible.lifeway.com]


Ibid, pg. 200