
Ultimate Guide to choose the best Indoor Plant for your Home


Indoor plants are one of the most delicate components of every house interior. The greenery releases freshness and brightens up the whole place, also works as a mood-booster. They provide positive vibes inside the house as plants have the nature of calmness that makes a soothing environment around you. They can be taken care of easily if you are interested in keeping them as a house member. They provide lots of health benefits, also allow you to change the interior according to the theme.

Why you should go for the indoor plants?

It’s great if you have a garden at your place; indoor flower plants can be kept in it and better-taken care of without making any soil or dirt inside the living area. Making mind of keeping indoor plants and potted flowers is great if you have working persons in your house and stress come around easily. Indoor plants will provide them freshness when they come home from their work.

It’s the right time to bring indoor plants home and make a green and clean environment around you and your family. Most of the people get frustrated because of this pandemic situation. Staying at home for a longer time & tension of work things are keeping rotating in the minds. To make them feel clam and fresh throughout this situation take a step towards nature help. Also, give your home a new interior with nature fresh things it will change the mood and keep the souls of the family members alive and energetic. 

If you are bringing indoor plants at your place for the first time, this ultimate guide will help you in choosing the best indoor flower plants for your house.

Read Also: Common Indoor Plant Myths you should know about

How do you plant indoor plants?

There are varieties of indoor plants that can be planted inside the house and can be taken care of easily even if you are working. You don’t have to go outside to buy indoor plants for your house. There are online florists in Dubai who offer express online plant delivery.

Planting indoor plants are not complicated if you are trying it for the first time. Plants need care but not that very much and you don’t have to leave your work to make them pamper. They will need to get in the shape if their size gets big. Mostly plants come in the containers but some of them come without then you have to arrange the containers according to the size of the plant.

How much of light indoor plants need to survive?

Some plants need continuous sunlight like cacti & succulents, foliage is in second place as they need around 8 hours of light per day for better growth. It totally depends on the bread and type of the plant that how much sunlight is sufficient. So first do research and analyze that the plant you are going to buy can survive at your place? Is your place a good point of sunlight? First, check your timetable and location of the place where you want to keep the plant then go for an indoor plant. If you buy a plant that needs lots of sunlight and proper care and you didn’t get pass yourself in it, your plant is going to fade away.

Plants that can live in low light easily

Most people prefer indoor plants that can survive in low light because there are maximum chances that a house having a place where sunlight stays for long. The plants that need low light are easiest to care but some of them need extra special care because of the sensitivity of the plant. There are some plants that can make a bond with you in low light.

1)         Philodendron- It is the most common indoor plant that can be seen in most of the houses that have indoor plants.  It can survive in several environmental conditions easily. It comes in small pots and can be taken care of easily, also these plants can be kept anywhere in the house as it is very easy to shift at here and there.

2)         Pothos or Devil’s Ivy- This plant has very beautiful and vibrant colored leaves, looks pretty if kept in the house, and compliments the house interior. It is good for the environment and can easily survive in low, high, direct, and indirect light.

3)         Dracaena- This plant has long beautiful green leaves with attractive designs, after seeing this type of plant you will definitely bring this flower home to make a better interior of the house.

4)         Peace lily- This plant survives in the cool environment condition also thrives best when the soil is moist but not more than needed because overwatered this pant can harm its health. It looks stunning if kept in a darker place or in a room that has low lighting to see its pure beauty.

There are some plants available on online indoor plant delivery in Dubai that are easiest to take care of. The Aloe plant doesn’t need lots of care it is a hardy plant but looks pretty if kept inside the house properly. The peace lily is also a great plant for indoors as it doesn’t need lots of care. Sansevieria, philodendron, most of the succulents, pothos, and many more are the plants that can be kept with less care.

Plants that considered as indoor plants

Plants that require less care that includes light, water, and soil change to grow beautifully are known as indoor plants. Dracaena, hedera helix, sansevieria zeylanica Superba, and Scindapsus are the most common indoor flower plants that people prefer who love to kept plants inside the house but have less time for care.

Many other plants are more convenient to handle according to most of the people. Aglaonema, dracaena, ferns, philodendrons, palms, and spathiphyllum.

Richrose, the indoor plant house

Richrose is a leading online florist offers the best indoor plant delivery in Dubai, Sharjah, and Abu Dhabi at our doorsteps. We provide fresh and fragranced potted flowers plants that will help in making a beautiful addition of nature in your interior. Artificial things can make a house look good but nature fresh plants can give a perfect environment that helps in maintaining health, reducing stress.

The best part of bringing an indoor plant is it will make your mood and mind fresh, give you the power to think, create, and develop ideas to make your work efficient. Check out our extensive collection of indoor potted flower plants will attract and always keep the mind fresh, also it is good if you are doing exercise in the environment where the environment is clean and green.